Fern Flower
Published on February 11, 2019

The zodiacal light


The light in the shape of a pyramid is often mistaken for the glow of a distant city on the horizon, and it is sometimes called false dawn.

But this ethereal light is actually the result of reflection of sunlight from the ancient dust that is suspended between the planets. The best time to catch the ghostly heavenly light — an hour after sunset on the Western horizon.

The dim glow is elongated along the Ecliptic plane, occupying the region of the zodiacal circle. February, March and April are the best months for observation, since at this time the Ecliptic is above the horizon almost vertically.

Since the zodiacal light is very weak, it might need exceptional dark. The night of the new moon, when the Moon lights up the sky, the most suitable. It can be observed how after sunset and before sunrise.

In the area of the sky opposite the Sun, the zodiacal band and extends some of its glow intensifies, creating protivostoyanie.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»