Fern Flower
Published on October 23, 2019

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Under the pinched nerve is usually described as the contact with the nerve roots between the discs of the spine, in other parts of the skeleton, strained ligaments or muscles (in which case the compression of the nerve fibers that causes pain and disturbs the wiring of signals from the brain).

A pinched nerve occurs when too high a pressure of adjacent tissues such as bone, cartilage, muscle or tendons on the nerve.

A pinched nerve in the neck, back, arms and other places can deliver not only the pain (burning, shooting, or cutting, covering not only the specific site of the lesion and the neighboring region) of varying intensity, but a feeling of tingling, numbness, "needles", "lumbago", the lack of sensitivity in the fingers of the affected limb and even feeling the stirring of something under the skin or on it.

Most often, when pinching the neck pain in my shoulders, upper back, hands. If the pinching in the lower back, it will hurt feet.

Sometimes restraint is a breach of the paretic limb, swelling or redness of the injured area of the body, increased local temperature, and muscle weakness.

With the pinching of nerves in different parts of the body symptoms may evolve and vary. If, for example, the compression of the nerve process in the thoracic spine can cause symptoms similar to heart diseases, and with the defeat of the cervical spine can cause headaches, etc.

Sensations may occur in a certain position of the body, and to be almost constant.

The causes of entrapment are varied, but all involve excess of the permissible load. Often the symptoms of pinched nerve in the spine occur when there is intervertebral hernia, tumors or protrusion.

The correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment can only a doctor.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


  • Гайворонский И.В. Нормальная анатомия человека. Учебник для медицинских вузов