Fern Flower
Published on October 1, 2019

Синдром Мюнхгаузена


Munchausen syndrome — malingering in which a person is exaggeratedly depicts (stimulates) at the global level or artificially causes symptoms of the disease to be subjected to medical examination, treatment, hospitalization, surgery, etc.

The reasons for such simulation behavior is not fully understood. The conventional explanation for Munchausen syndrome States that the simulation of the disease enables people with this syndrome to the attention, care, sympathy and psychological support, which they lack.

Patients with Munchausen's syndrome, as a rule, deny the artificial nature of their symptoms, even if they show proof of simulation. They usually have a long history of hospitalizations due to simulated symptoms.

Does not receive the expected attention to their symptoms, patients with Munchausen's syndrome often become cantankerous and aggressive. In case of failure in the treatment of one person a patient goes to another.

Under delegated Munchausen's or Munchausen's by proxy, you know this kind of simulative disorders in which the parents or persons substituting them, intentionally cause the child or vulnerable adult (e.g. disabled) pain or invent them to seek medical help.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»