Fern Flower
Published on November 19, 2018

The phosphene


Phosphenes are visual sensations that arise without the influence of light on the eyes. They represent the luminous (bluish, greenish, yellowish and orange shades), shapes (circles, short lines), appearing alone in the dark, which may arise due to the impact on the visual system at its different levels:

  • mechanical impact (for example, pressing on closed eyes)
  • a strong magnetic field
  • chemicals
  • electrical excitation of the retina through applied electrodes to his temples
  • the electric excitation of the visual centers of the cerebral cortex

In some cases, the phosphenes observed in the light, mingling with the visible pattern and creating visual illusions.

The first mention of the phosphenes appeared in ancient times and described by the Greeks. It was the flare, caused by friction or pressure on the closed eyes.

A new wave of active learning phosphenes began when they noticed the light flashes reported by astronauts Edwin Aldrin and Neil Armstrong (the participants of the lunar expedition "Apollo-11", 1969). This is because in space the electromagnetic field is weaker, allowing high-energy particles is easier to reach the retina of the eye, causing the observation of a phenomenon.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»