Fern Flower
Published on October 6, 2016

Paradoxical undressing


The nervous system is especially sensitive to hypothermia. Mild hypothermia accompanied by confusion and memory impairment. With the increase of the degree of cooling observed slurred speech, lethargy, ataxia, decreased level of consciousness and, in fact, paradoxical undressing. This phenomenon is very common among those who died from the cold. If the death occurred not far from the village, victims of hypothermia are sometimes mistaken for victims of sexual violence. If the same person were found in a remote area, reachable with difficulty, people assume even mystical explanations. Doctors explain this phenomenon: just before complete loss of consciousness swissies blood vessels suddenly dilate, causing a sensation of a strong heat on the skin. This is because first the body includes a protective function to reduce heat loss due to involuntary contraction of the blood vessels of the external layers of the skin. However, upon further cooling, compressing blood vessels muscle at some point to relax, and the blood, washing the internal organs, makes the outflow to peripheral tissues.
Undressed, frostbitten people often try to hide in any enclosed space. It is called "dying samsakara".

Witnesses of such behaviour of the victim can communicate with the alien abductions, the influence of evil spirits, etc.

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