Fern Flower
Published on February 12, 2018

Nervous breakdown


A nervous breakdown is a protective reaction of the body in emotional or mental overload. He is not a medical term, a colloquial designation of the phenomenon, which doctors call an exacerbation of neurosis or nervous disorder.

Possible causes of a nervous breakdown you can call:

  • Permanent mental or physical fatigue
  • The loss of loved ones
  • Setbacks in his personal life, traumatic long term relationships, quarrels in the family
  • The rupture of friendly, family or romantic relationships
  • Unfavorable psychological atmosphere in the house or the team
  • Serious financial problems
  • Dismissal
  • Excessive responsibility

Due to these reasons, these events can also become a wedding, the birth of a child, the long-awaited promotion, transfer, etc.

The process is divided into several stages:

The first stage is characterized by some feverish revival — people suddenly become optimistic (sometimes unreasonably), increasing performance and endurance, but anxiety and anxiety will not disappear — on the contrary, they also rise. Sometimes this condition is accompanied by insomnia, a slight fever, a slight tremor.

The second stage is expected nervous and physical exhaustion resulting flurry of activity at the first stage. If at first the man thought that it is necessary to try — and all problems will be solved, now comes the disappointment and irritation. Man breaks down in detail, suffers from sleep disorders (insomnia or frequent night awakenings), for the second stage of collapse is characterized by attacks of rapid heartbeat, headache, nervousness, possible melancholy and longing, memory impairment, panic attack.

The third stage is the peak of the experience. A person comes to the conclusion that all efforts are useless. Drop in self-esteem, loss of ability to enjoy life, there may be lethargy and depression. For the third stage of the typical cardiovascular symptoms of dizziness, palpitations, high blood pressure, as well as violations of the digestive tract — loss of appetite, nausea, diarrhea or constipation. Lost libido, women break the menstrual cycle. Possible also loss of memory, paranoid thoughts and the development of phobias.

In a state of collapse, people often make rash and foolish behavior.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»