Fern Flower
Published on November 14, 2018



Migraine - a neurological disorder, the most frequent and characteristic symptom of which is occasional or regular strong and painful headaches in one (rarely both) side of the head.

Headache migraine is not associated with an increase or a sharp decrease in blood pressure, an attack of glaucoma or increased intracranial pressure (ICP), serious head injuries, stroke, brain tumor, etc. Clinical researchers have not yet fully explain the pathophysiology of migraine, but there are several hypotheses for its occurrence associated with blood vessels and genetic predisposition.

The occurrence of a migraine attack caused by the following factors: stress, nervous and physical stress, dietary factors (cheese, chocolate, nuts, fish), alcoholic beverages (often beer and red wine, champagne), hormonal contraceptives, sleep (lack or excess), weather factors (weather change, changing climatic conditions).

Headache migraine is usually localized in one half of the head (but can capture both halves), spreads to the eyes, upper jaw, neck, has a constant pulsating character, enhanced by any stimuli (noise, light, odors). The duration of a typical migraine attack from a few tens of minutes to several hours. Often pain syndrome accompanied by nausea and vomiting, photophobia (hypersensitivity to light) and phonophobia (hypersensitivity to sounds). After the end of the attack is observed drowsiness and weakness.

Under the aura understand individual feelings that appear before an attack:

  • flickering, the fog, double vision;
  • flashes of light, circles, lines, dots before the eyes;
  • partial blindness, continued from 5 to 60 minutes;
  • a distorted perception of the surrounding reality;
  • visual and auditory hallucinations;
  • paresthesia (numbness) of extremities and other body parts;
  • unusual sensations in the abdominal region (stomach);
  • violation of articulate speech;
  • increased sensitivity to strong odors and loud music;
  • dizziness, loss of coordination;
  • noise in the ears;
  • unmotivated anxiety, aggression, sadness, depression;
  • violations of the perception of time;
  • nightmares;
  • the trance state;
  • nausea, vomiting.

Ie this is not necessarily all of these symptoms, maybe only some of them.

For example:

Before my eyes there is a bright flash, which looks like a bright sphere. It gradually increases in size and moves from the periphery to the center, filled with the light of the entire field of view. The body feels numb.

It so happens that people suffer from migraines, but the head was not ill, i.e. there is only one aura (often visual and vestibular). This condition is called "silent migraine" , migraine ataralgesia" , "silent migraine" or "headless migraine". A large part of people do not even suspect that they feel weird talking about real migraines. An attack can last from 15 seconds to several days.

But most often it happens the opposite condition - migraine without aura.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»