Fern Flower
Published on October 8, 2016

Items on the branches of trees, wires strung and grids


Create the effect of "UFO" or "Silhouette" for the trees by positioning between the branches of the tree (at high altitude for UFOs) or, for example, Bush (for silhouette of a Ghost) of various objects.

For night-time object may be luminous (the Orb with an led, a Bank of candles, etc.), for light - supplementary illumination is not required. The form can be varied, and in the presence of the light source, the illumination can have a wide range of characteristics that can be combined in different ways: the dynamics of light, brightness, color.

It is also possible the arrangement of objects and other elements in the landscape that can hide or misrepresent the true location of the object: mesh, wire, etc.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»
