Fern Flower
Published on March 27, 2022

Illusions of perception


Illusions are a false or distorted perception of the surrounding reality, which causes the perceiver to experience sensory impressions that do not correspond to reality, and inclines him to erroneous judgments about the object of perception. 

The term "distorted" means that the visible (or audible, tangible) we do not correspond to the objective situation, but this distortion can be eliminated, for example, by measuring.

These illusions concern all spheres of perception (taste, sight, hearing, sensation, etc.)

They can be caused by many factors:

  • unusual or unusual observation conditions;
  • misleading context;
  • uncertain context;
  • physical factors;
  • features of the structure of sensory organs and neural mechanisms of sensory information processing;
  • influence of past observations;
  • the influence of immediately preceding sensations;
  • habits, established skills;
  • emotions and motivation;
  • violations of the normal functioning of the psyche due to fatigue, illness, in altered states of consciousness.