Fern Flower
Published on October 24, 2017



Hematidrosis (also Hematohidrosis, from Greek. αμματα, αίμα, "blood", and ιδρώς, "sweat"; synonyms — hemidrosis, bloody sweat, or "biblical" bloody sweat) — a symptom of trophic damage to the walls of blood vessels, a pathological condition in which sweat mixes with blood and seeps onto intact areas of the skin in the form of a pink or red liquid.

It is observed with strong psychological stress, fear, some diencephalic disorders, progressive paralysis. It is impossible to detect a pathological opening through which blood seeps. This phenomenon lasts for several minutes or hours, sometimes it occurs again. Localization can be symmetrical and unilateral - on the fingertips, forehead, nose wings, chest veins, inner thighs.

Blood sweat is formed due to the mixing of sweat with red blood cells. The latter penetrate into the sweat ducts by diapedesis from the blood capillaries that envelop the sweat glands. Changes in the walls of blood vessels, leading to an increase in their permeability, can be caused by certain chemicals that are mediators. The neurohumoral connection between the nervous and humoral systems of the human body is obvious.

There is also hemolacria-the release of blood along with tears.


  • БМЭ. Главн. ред. Б. В. Петровский. М.,«Советская энциклопедия», 1977