Fern Flower
Published on October 11, 2016



The meaning of the word "fossil" – turned to stone, which became like a stone. It usually understand fossils (fossils) – the remains and traces of organisms of past geological epochs.

Fossils are formed during the processes of fossilization. It is accompanied by the influence of various environmental factors in the passage of the processes of diagenesis - the physical and chemical transformations during the transition of the sediment in the breed, which includes the remains of organisms.

Fossils formed when dead plants and animals were not immediately eaten by predators or bacteria, and soon after the death was covered with silt, sand, clay, fly ash, which excluded the access of oxygen to them. In the course of formation of the precipitation of rocks, under the influence of mineral solutions of organic substances decomposed and were replaced with minerals (most commonly calcite, pyrite, opal, chalcedony). At the same time, due to the progressive course of the substitution process, the outer shape of the elements of the structure remains preserved.

Fossils are usually mineralized remains or imprints of plants and animals preserved in soils, rocks, solidified resins. Fossils are also called preserved traces of, for example, legs of the body on the soft sand, clay or dirt.

Fossil remains of crinoids are one of the most common minerals. Some limestone formations Dating from the Paleozoic and Mesozoic is almost entirely composed of them. Endoskeleton hands and stalk these marine animals composed of calcareous segments. Petrified segments of crinoids are called Tahiti. They have the appearance of stars and disks with a hole in the center that is sometimes connected to the columns.
These fossils are often mistaken for parts of the alien machines created by aliens hundreds of millions of years before humans.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»