Fern Flower
Published on October 11, 2016

The formation of ice and snow over the pond


On the ice surface of the reservoir formed circles of different diameters. The scientific explanation for the formation of ice circles is that the bend of the river or over the underwater keys accelerated the flow of water crushes and twists formed ice crust, forming an ice disc. Then the rest of the ice on the surface of the water involved in rotation and sticks to the disk, which not only increases its size, but also gives a perfect round shape. Occurs mainly in waters with fairly strong current.

An unusual form of "ice noodles" takes on the snow under the influence of wind and currents. This phenomenon is quite rare, however, because of its rarity and unusual and can be mistaken for something unexplained.

Snowballs formed by the river is a rare natural phenomenon. For his education, you need a good set of weather conditions: these days in the region should be abundant precipitation including wet snow, accumulation of loose ice in the rivers (sludge) and strong winds. In the result of ice shards on the shore grows new layers until they grinds and perekatat surf.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»