Fern Flower
Published on October 6, 2016



The vitreous body is a transparent avascular gelatinous substance that fills the cavity of the eye between the retina and the crystalline lens. Normal vitreous body is totally transparent. The liquid part of the vitreous body consists of viscous hyaluronic acid, traces of serum proteins, ascorbic acid, salts and other substances and is enclosed in a frame of delicate protein fibrils.

The floater is a change in the mesh structure of the vitreous body of the eye due to the fact that the individual fibers thicken and lose their transparency. In cases of liquefaction of the vitreous body, its fibers are often clumped together to form a weave.

Against the bright, clean surface, such as against the sky, snow, wall or ceiling person can see a translucent spot, taking the form of "octopus", "spiders", "chromosome", "palm", etc. a Person can dwell on this coincidence: he may seem a dark spot or the silhouette in the room or flying past the point in the sky. Trying to follow that vision gaze, a person cannot "catch" the vision and to consider it in more detail.

The cause is the presence of vitreous haze (modified fibers, remnants of embryonic vessels, etc.), which in bright light cast a shadow on the retina, perceived by the eye as grey or more dark spots, circles, wavy lines surrounded by a halo.

Liquefaction of the vitreous body - the division of the complex "hyaluronic acid collagen", in which the vitreous loses its consistency, separating into two fractions: a thick and runny. When liquefaction of the vitreous body, except for the flies there are the so-called "flash" or "lightning", which is an abnormal reaction of the optic nerve to the presence in the vitreous body "optical voids" that are perceived by the brain as "lightning" or "flash".

Destruction of the vitreous body in the form of silver or gold precipitation occurs in the presence of crystalline inclusions of cholesterol, salts of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus in elderly patients with disruption of cholesterol metabolism and concomitant diabetes mellitus. Biomicroscopy defined shiny particles, "silver (Golden) rain" or "dancing snowflakes" that move when the movement of the eyeballs. These crystals have different size, shape (dots, spheres, plates), color (white, Golden, brown).

Sudden appearance of "flying flies" may be a precursor to retinal detachment or vitreous. Thus in addition to "flies", people have seen something like flashes of light or "lightning" due to formed vitreous cavities. Retinal detachment is a severe pathology threatening a complete loss of vision.

Depending on the surface on which the witness saw the spot, it can be taken them for UFOs (if the eyewitness was looking at the sky), the ghosts, the phantoms (if the person looked in the room or at the ground level on the street), etc.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»
