Fern Flower
Published on October 6, 2016

The effects of magnetic fields on the watch


The magnetic field can affect an analog clock. When injected into magnetic field components themselves are magnetized, when it is created from mutual attraction. If impaired, they lose precision (run forward or backward for some time) and require demagnetization, but completely out of order do not go. Quartz watches significantly more resistant to magnetic fields, but their impact may fail in accuracy,and after cessation of exposure at the clock it comes back to normal. When exposed to very strong magnetic fields they can completely fail. There are special models of watches resistant to magnetic field. The magnetization of hours you can check with a compass - if the part is magnetized, then his hand sharply deviates to the side.
A witness can link this phenomenon not only with the impact of the anomalous zone, but stay in another world, alien abduction, if such occurs within the home, work or his usual location

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