Fern Flower
Published on December 17, 2016

Dissociative disorders


Dissociative disorders is a group of mental disorders characterized by changes or disturbances of a variety of mental functions - consciousness, memory, sense of personal identity, awareness of the continuity of self-identity.

In modern psychiatry, the term "dissociative disorder" is used to refer to three phenomena:

  • the emergence of multiple personality,
  • psychogenic Fugue
  • psychogenic amnesia.

From ancient times to our days such dissociative disorders correlated with the shamanism, the introduction of "spirits", glossolalia. Thus, this condition could be caused by especially (drugs, repetitive actions, etc.)

In the daily life of dissociation of various degrees arise in a state of reverie, distraction, inattention and the execution of automatic actions such as driving a car.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»