Fern Flower
Published on November 19, 2018



It is a violation of perception, at which the world is perceived as unreal or remote, deprived sometimes as its colors. This can occur memory impairment.

A feeling is not a psychotic disorder. It can manifest constantly and is associated with depression and be a major constituent symptom of anxiety neurosis or other mental disorders, often together with depression or nervousness. However, the average person, it is also not uncommon. For example, after a good movie or book, when people do not immediately "back to the real world".

In this state, a person in most cases remains fully in control, the adequacy and sanity.

In derealization the surrounding is perceived is changed, a strange, indistinct, alien, ghostly, dull, stiff, lifeless. It is perceived as though "through the fog, milk, film little clear glass" often loses volume and perspective — "as pictured". In other cases, compare the surrounding scenery.

Modified acoustic phenomena: voices and sounds move away, become indistinct and deaf.

In some cases, disappears or dulled sensory perception. Change the paint of the surrounding objects, their color becomes dull and gray — "the light faded, the foliage has faded, the sun began to Shine less brightly". Time can slow down, to stop, to disappear — "it is no more." In other cases, the feeling that time is moving unusually quickly.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»