Fern Flower
Published on October 8, 2016

Deliberate falsification


This version includes any falsifications that imitate unexplained phenomena both from the outside: practical jokes, flash mobs, fake news, witness fraud, staging, etc.

There are many ways to make something similar to a ghost or a flying saucer from improvised materials, without using video and photomontage.

Many homemade things made for the sake of a joke, a practical joke or a direct imitation of a mystical being or event can be taken as unexplained not only in photos and videos, but also in reality.

Also, this section includes various practical jokes and flash mobs aimed at imitating NOF.

Probably the most famous case that everyone knows is the radio play "War of the Worlds" on October 30, 1938, when radio listeners mistook the performance for a real news report: more than a million residents of the northeastern United States believed in the attack of the Martians and panicked.
A similar case occurred in Jordan on April 1, 2010, a local newspaper reported on the landing of space aliens in this area. Despite the obvious absurdity, the news caused panic among residents.

The story from the book "The Ring of King Solomon" (Lorenz Conrad, 1980):


As I will tell you in one of the following chapters, jackdaws remember for a long time the one who, in front of the entire jackdaw colony, once took one of them in his hands and thereby caused a commotion, accompanied by a special "thundering" cry. This greatly hindered my work on the ringing of young jackdaws of the colony that settled on my house. When I took the chicks to mark them with aluminum rings, the jackdaws could not help but see me, and immediately a wild thundering concert began. How to prevent the birds from developing a constant distrust of me as a result of the banding procedure — after all, such a state of affairs could cause irreparable harm to all my work. The solution seemed obvious — dressing up. But how? Very simple. The suit was lying ready in a box in the attic and was very suitable for my purposes, although it was usually taken out once a year — on the sixth of December to celebrate the old Austrian holiday, St. Nicholas and the Devil's Day. It was a magnificent fur costume of the devil with a mask covering the whole head, with horns and tongue and with a long, protruding devil's tail.

I would like to know what you would think if one fine July day you suddenly heard the wild cry of jackdaws coming from the pointed roof of a high house, and, looking up, you would see Satan himself: with horns, tail and claws, with his tongue sticking out from the heat, Satan climbing from the chimney to a chimney and surrounded by a swarm of black birds producing deafening thundering cries? It seems to me that the general disturbing impression of such a spectacle could mask the fact that Satan used ordinary forceps to put aluminum rings on the paws of young jackdaws, after which he carefully put them back into the nest. When I finished the ringing, I noticed for the first time a large crowd gathered on the village street. People were looking up with the same expression of horror as those tourists outside the fence of my garden. Since the opportunity to show who was hiding under the guise of Satan completely contradicted my goals, I contented myself with waving my devil's tail to the crowd in a friendly way and disappeared through the trapdoor leading to the attic.

The falsification arranged by the offended architect: He attached niches to the windows, which made terrible sounds from the wind. From what, in fact, the legend about the existence of ghosts in this castle began.

Pseudo-documentary film, pseudo-documentary, mockumentary (mockumentary; from to mock "to fake", "mock" + documentary "documentary") is a cinematic and television genre of feature films, which is characterized by imitation of documentary, falsification and hoax. The genre emerged in the 1950s in response to the commercialization of documentary films. Films of this genre outwardly correspond to documentaries, but their subject, unlike real documentaries, is fictional and specially "disguised" as reality. Sometimes in such a movie, the illusion of reality of what is happening is created due to the participation of celebrities and other really existing people. Representatives of the genre can also be found in literature.

This also includes "fake" or "fake" news. This is an information hoax or deliberate dissemination of misinformation in social media and traditional media. Usually they are published by representatives of the so-called "yellow press", passing off such information as verified. Fake news authors often use catchy headlines or completely fabricated stories to increase readership and citation. However, such news is sometimes published by respected media, for example, as a draw by April 1. Resources (news sites, social media groups, etc.) that are completely devoted to the publication of such articles have now become quite widespread. They are often humorous or satirical in nature. Usually, such resources indicate in the "About Us" section that "all these news are fiction, are entertaining, and any coincidence with real personalities can be considered accidental." At the same time, it is not uncommon for such "entertaining" news to be picked up by other information resources, accidentally or intentionally passing them off as real.

This type of explanation may also include facts in which eyewitnesses observe film sets, training bases (military, space, etc.), as well as people involved there. They may intentionally or accidentally become victims of a hoax, illusion or delusion. For example, astronauts on a training base simulating the lunar surface may be mistaken for aliens.

A black legend is a historiographical phenomenon in which a steady trend in historical literature of biased coverage and introduction of fabricated, exaggerated and/or facts taken out of context is directed against specific individuals, nations or institutions with the intention of creating a distorted and unambiguously inhuman image of them, hiding their positive contribution to history.