Fern Flower
Published on October 6, 2016

Charles Bonnet Syndrome


Charles bonnet syndrome occurs in mentally healthy people with serious disorders of the visual system. It manifests itself as hallucinations of different levels of complexity: from geometric shapes to silhouettes. Hallucinations are only visual and do not affect other senses. Hallucinations usually disappear independently after a year and a half, but these time frames for different people may vary. Among the elderly, with a significant visual impairment, the prevalence of Charles bonnet syndrome, from a variety of sources is 10-15 %. Just enough to be blind (or have uhudshenie vision), while not having any other health problems to see things like described. This is because in the absence of normal visual impulses is released by the Autonomous activity of the visual system and the brain creates its own images. Visions can be triggered by some external factors and can occur independently. Causes for the decline may in particular be: macular degeneration, glaucoma, cataracts, bilateral optic nerve damage due to methanol poisoning, tumors in the occipital cortex of the brain, etc. as soon as a person loses vision, the visual parts of the cerebral cortex no longer receive incoming signals. He becomes hyperactive and excitable and start to see things. Because of this, and be a variety of hallucinations. What people will see in their visions depends on which groups of neurons are self-activating.
Explain the existence of such entities, ghosts, entities from parallel worlds and the like.

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