Fern Flower
Published on June 27, 2019

Anamorphically illusion


Anamorph is the picture you need to look at a certain angle or with the help of special devices (mirrors, lenses, etc.) to understand its importance.

In Greek, anamorphically — subject to change, distorted. Anamorphic illusions appeared in the Renaissance. They quickly became very popular. The technique used in the book illustrations, engravings, wall paintings and also to conceal information from prying eyes.

Using an optical illusion, one could send a secret message or hidden in the image of a political cartoon, a symbol of magic or fun obscenity.

There are 4 types of anamorphosis:

  • Optical distorts the perspective. To see the whole picture, the viewer must be at a certain point.
  • Mirror (catoptrical) — to create and restore image need mirrors-anamorphoscope — flat, conical, cylindrical and pyramidal, with a different number of faces.
  • Rear — you can see the image only through special glasses.
  • Europacketcable — view needs rotation. On this principle, was born cinema.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»