Fern Flower
Published on November 19, 2018

The alien hand syndrome


Syndrome alien hand ("hand-anarchist" or a disease doctor Strangelove) is a complex neuropsychiatric disorder, ideokinetic form of apraxia - disorders of the ability to perform purposeful movements, in which one or both hands are acting by themselves, regardless of the desires of the owner. Sometimes accompanied by seizures or epilepsy.

Psychiatrists explain this syndrome, disorders in the interaction between hemispheres of the brain (for example, dissection of joints of the hemispheres for treatment of epilepsy or as a result of various pathologies and injuries of the brain).

Suffering from this disease a person's hand acquires autonomy, and often contrary to the actions that intend to perform. For example, if a healthy hand brushes her hair smooth, then a sore hand at this time vzlomat. Known cases when this hand pinching her master, tore his clothes, beat him, tried to choke him. In addition, the hand can cause harm to herself, grabbing the exposed wires or touching hot objects.

Some people attribute this human behavior with the influence of various mystical forces.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»