Fern Flower
Published on October 7, 2016

Affective illusion


This kind of illusion occurs in all people regardless of mental health status is influenced by pronounced fluctuations in mood or in connection with acutely evolving passion of fear and/or anxiety. Unable to show themselves in certain environments. It may be the lack of lighting, the twilight time of the day and night with thunderstorm, when a flash of lightning, creating a refraction of illumination light. Besides, stirring in the wind blind can be accepted for hidden there the attacker fell to the floor belt is perceived as a snake, ready to attack, etc. Affective illusions occur and in that case, if in addition to the affective tension is manifested in the vagueness of the annoying symptom of quiet sounds, slurred speech, poor lighting. It can occur in perfectly healthy man, when he suddenly appears in an unfamiliar setting, an unfamiliar place for him, and also in unusual emotional mood. As an example, a night visit to the cemetery, or if a person for a long time in waiting for any unwanted or unpleasant event or denies its possibility (no real threat).

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»