Fern Flower
Published on November 18, 2018

Zombies of the Stratosphere

The Alien
The Movie DataBase
Zombies of the Stratosphere
July 16, 1952
Martians come to Earth to build an H-bomb strong enough to blast Earth out of orbit so that Mars can be moved into its place in closer proximity to the sun. Super-scientist Larry Martin, inventor of the first stratospheric-flight spaceship as well as a jet-powered personal flying suit with helmet, is called upon by the government to investigate ramped-up UFO reports occasioned by the Martians' spaceships. The Martians, meanwhile, led by Marex, engage a renegade earth scientist and a gaggle of gangsters to help them steal supplies, operate a menacing robot, and build their bomb. This movie serial in 12 chapters was originally planned as a sequel to "Radar Men From The Moon" with Commando Cody as the hero but at the last moment the main characters' names were changed and all other references to that serial removed from the script.


"Zombies from the stratosphere" (orig. Zombies of the Stratosphere is a 1952 American black-and-white film/TV series. In 1995, Republic Pictures Home Video released it as a color film in the United States on VHS (a 93-minute version).

The film is a sequel to the successful Republic Production series "Radar People from the Moon", released in the same year.

The film consists of 12 chapters of 13 minutes and 20 seconds (except for the first one, which lasts 20 minutes):

  1. The Zombie Vanguard
  2. Battle of the Rockets
  3. Undersea Agents
  4. Contraband Cargo
  5. The Iron Executioner
  6. Murder Mine
  7. Death on the Waterfront
  8. Hostage for Murder
  9. The Human Torpedo
  10. Flying Gas Chamber
  11. Man vs. Monster
  12. Tomb of the Traitors

Despite the name, zombies are not found in this movie. This is how the heroes call the Martians who arrived on Earth.

It's interesting

Despite the name, in the 1952 film "Zombies from the Stratosphere" (orig. "Zombies of the Stratosphere"), zombies do not occur.  This is how the heroes call the Martians who arrived on Earth.


Larry Martin, an operative and leader of the Interplanetary Patrol, discovers that a group of Martian aliens led by Marex are going to drop a hydrogen bomb on Earth. The ecology of Mars is dying, and its inhabitants believe that it is vital for their home world to become the third planet from the Sun. According to the alien plans, controlled explosions of powerful bombs on Mars and Earth will provoke an exchange of orbits of these planets. However, this will entail the death of humanity, so Larry Martin is trying to thwart the plans of the Martians.

Marex has several accomplices from among the Earthlings: Dr. Harding and gangsters Roth and Shane. Martin and his comrades infiltrate a secret underground alien base, where the latter assemble a hydrogen bomb according to drawings stolen from Earth scientists. Larry's team prevails over the opponents: Marex kills Harding, who tried to surrender, Larry himself seizes control of the Martian robot and with his help kills Roth and Shane, the Martian invaders perish in the fire. Marex's surviving assistant, Narab, gives Martin the location of an underwater cave where an already activated bomb is located. Larry manages to find her at the last moment, defusing her a few seconds before the explosion.


The film presents several objects that can be mistaken for UFOs.

First, it is an alien spaceship, which is similar to a rocket. During the flight she's trailing a plume of exhaust. The ship is equipped with weapons similar to machine gun.

The second flying object is of the same type (but different color) the rocket where you move the grounders. Is this rocket the spacecraft is not clear, because during the film she never flies beyond the atmosphere.

The last object can be considered a man in a suit with rocket engines, moving with high speed over the surface of the earth.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

The Alien

The aliens (which in the movie for some reason called a zombie) came from Mars (and not from the stratosphere). Their mission is to detonate a hydrogen bomb and thus make the Earth go out of orbit, releasing a warm place for their home planet. They look like humans and differ only by skin color (in the color version of the film it is green). The aliens are fluent in English and knowledgeable about the state of Affairs on Earth.

The aliens are more technologically advanced than the earthlings. Not only did they build a space ship that flew, but also able to create robots with a remote control. To create the robot, and the hydrogen bomb at the alien technology uses materials common on Earth.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»