Fern Flower
Published on February 16, 2023


TV Show Episode2000
The man with the black eyes
The Movie DataBase
April 2, 2000
As Mulder investigates a missing person case with a key feature being a menacing raven, he learns to enjoy the creature comforts of a well-tended home while Scully must tough it out on an uncomfortable stakeout.


"Chimera" (English "Chimera") is the sixteenth episode of the seventh season of the TV series "The X–Files". The episode belongs to the "monster of the week" type and is not related to the main "mythology" of the series.


Mulder investigates the disappearance of a woman from a small town and finds out that she was killed by a spirit that appeared as if from another world. Meanwhile, Scully is forced to conduct surveillance in uncomfortable conditions.


A woman who finds out about her husband's infidelities is forced to suppress her anger. For the remaining undisclosed reason, this leads to the fact that during a period of severe stress, she turns into a terrible creature with huge claws, tearing her victims – both her husband's mistresses and accidentally caught in a hot hand. The transformations of a woman are preceded by the appearance of one or more ravens.

A woman does not want to be aware of herself as a monster, so the reflective surfaces in which she sees herself (glasses, mirrors, etc.) spontaneously crack and break. Often a woman sees the reflection of a monster next to her own, even before she is reincarnated. The monster can be stopped when he sees himself in the reflection on the water, which cannot be broken – after that, the woman returns to her normal appearance.

The man with the black eyes

Before a complete reincarnation, the "evil essence" of a woman sometimes manifests itself only by changing the color of her eyes to black.