Fern Flower
Published on August 17, 2022


TV Show Episode2000
Spontaneous spontaneous combustion of a person
The Movie DataBase
March 12, 2000
Mulder and Scully suspect that hexcraft is the source of threats against a doctor's family.


"The Thief" (English "Theef") is the fourteenth episode of the seventh season of the TV series "The X–Files". The episode belongs to the "monster of the week" category and is not related to the main "mythology" of the series.


Dr. Robert Weeder returns home with his family from a gala evening during which he received the Doctor of the Year award. Weeder's father-in-law, Irving, discovers a pile of dirt in the shape of a man on his bed before going to bed. That night, Weeder finds his father-in-law hanged. On the wall next to the dead man, the word "Thief" is written in his blood.

While investigating the crime scene the next day, Mulder notices cemetery dirt on Irving's bed. The agent assumes that Irving's death was caused by voodoo sorcery. The autopsy shows that Irving suffered from Kuru disease, found only among the aborigines of New Guinea. Based on this, Scully concludes that Irving suffered from brain damage and committed suicide by cutting his throat, writing blood on the wall, and then hanging himself. Later it turns out that the Weeders' family photo is missing, which turns out to be in the hands of a man named Orell Pitti. Pitti cuts out faces from photographs, folding them into homemade dolls. Soon, Dr. Weeder's wife loses consciousness and is taken to the hospital; the woman has dark spots on her face. At this time, Pitty is standing by the Weeders' pool, whispering something to one of the dolls.

Pitti visits Weeder in the hospital, hinting that he is bringing misfortune to the doctor's family, but refuses to explain the reasons for his behavior, giving only the name "Lynette Pitti". Weeder checks the patient database, but does not find Lynette Pitti there, suspecting that she was recorded as Jane Doe. An expert on occultism explains to Mulder that a sorcerer must receive magical power from a certain talisman, and to cause damage, you need to put blood, hair and a photo of a person inside the doll. Going to the hospital cafeteria, Pitti puts a doll with a photo of Weeder's wife in the microwave, and the woman burns to death inside the tomograph. The word "Thief" is found burned on her chest. Dr. Weeder tells the agents that he found a record of an unnamed patient who was badly injured in an accident. To alleviate her suffering, he euthanized her with an overdose of morphine. Mulder believes that the sorcerer is the girl's father, who is taking revenge on Weeder for "stealing his daughter from him." Mulder decides to exhume the girl's body, but the coffin turns out to be empty.

The landlady of the house where Pitti rents an apartment enters his room in search of a back ointment that he prepared for her earlier, and finds Lynette's corpse in bed. The returning Pitti sends an unusual illness to the woman, about which the local TV company makes a TV report. Accidentally hearing him, Mulder arrives at Pitti's house, but the sorcerer has already disappeared, taking his daughter's head. Scully takes Weeder and his daughter to a safe place, but Pitti finds them there. Having blinded Scully with witchcraft, Pitti tries to kill the doctor. Mulder, who hastily arrived, manages to restore Scully's eyesight, and she shoots Pitti. Later it becomes known that Pitti fell into a coma, and Lynette's body was taken home to West Virginia.

Spontaneous spontaneous combustion of a person

The actions performed by the sorcerer with the doll cause the reaction of the victim. So, if the doll is put in a microwave oven, the victim's body is covered with burns and instantly charred. If you stop influencing the doll, then the influence on the victim disappears.


As a result of the sorcerer's actions, inscriptions spontaneously appear on various surfaces (including X-rays of the victim).


The sorcerer takes revenge on the doctor who, out of pity, killed his daughter, who was injured in a car accident.

First, a sorcerer from the cemetery earth lays out a human silhouette in the victim's bed. In the future, to influence the victims, he uses hand-sewn dolls, inside which he places three thorns of a red rose, a lock of hair and a photo of the victim. Then he sews up the doll and reads a spell over it – this creates a connection between the doll and the victim. After that, the actions performed with the doll cause a reaction in the victim. So, if you put the doll in the microwave and turn it on, then the victim's body is covered with burns. If you stick needles in the doll's eyes, the victim goes blind. If you stop influencing the doll, then the influence on the victim disappears.

The sorcerer is fueled by the energy of an amulet – some object that is especially dear to him. To weaken it, you need to share it with this item.

As a result of the sorcerer's actions, inscriptions spontaneously appear on various surfaces (including X-rays of the victim).