Fern Flower
Published on October 20, 2021

The Beginning

TV Show Episode1998
Extrasensory perception
The Alien
The Movie DataBase
The Beginning
November 8, 1998
Mulder is less than thrilled when an Office of Professional Conduct board refuses to reassign him and Scully to The X-Files and even more so when he learns that Agent Spender and Agent Fowley have become their successors. When Gibson Praise reappears and comes to them for help, Mulder and Scully attempt to continue their quest undercover despite having fewer friends and less access and protection than ever before.


"The Beginning" (English: "The Beginning") – the first episode of the sixth season of the series "The X-Files", which develops the plot of the last episode of the fifth season and the feature film "The X-Files: Fight for the Future" (Eng. "The X-Files: Fight the Future") and reveals the so-called "mythology" of the series.


Mulder and Scully appear before the supervisory board to justify the need for their return to work on Classified Materials. The Council demands scientific evidence of the existence of extraterrestrial life. Mulder tries to explain that Scully, who has been infected with an alien virus, can become such proof. However, Scully is vague about this infection, and the council gives them one last opportunity to present evidence.

Skinner secretly leads Mulder to a strange case in Arizona that could help him gather the necessary data. At the scene of the crime, Mulder assumes that the victim was infected with an alien virus, resulting in the birth of an alien creature, while tearing the chest and abdominal cavity of the carrier.

The syndicate is unhappy that this "situation" attracts too much attention. The smoker guarantees that he will take care of this problem. He brings Gibson Price, a young chess genius, to the crime scene, in the hope that he will be able to predict where the creature will go. Mulder and Scully go to a nearby power plant where another murder has been committed. There they are met by Agents Spender and Foley, who deny Mulder access to the scene of a new crime. When Mulder and Scully return to their car, they find Price hiding in the backseat. Mulder also wants to use Price to find an alien creature, but Scully dissuades him from doing so, explaining that Price is the very scientific evidence that Mulder is looking for. Price can confirm all of Mulder's statements. When Scully informs Mulder that Price needs medical attention and that she is going to take him to the hospital, Agent Foley approaches. Scully leaves with Gibson for the hospital, and Mulder and Foley go to the power plant to find the creature. On the spot, they find out that the alien is still there. Mulder calls Scully at the hospital to tell her about it; she in turn informs him that traces of an alien virus have been found in Gibson's body – anyway, he is partly an alien.

While Scully is distracted by Mulder's call, a Man with black hair kidnaps Price and takes him to the power plant to find and destroy the alien. Mulder catches up with them, but it's too late: they manage to lock themselves inside the reactor room. Mulder watches helplessly as an alien kills a Man with black hair. The alien turns to Price. At this time, the siren sounds, and FBI agents appear. Foley is now on Spender's side, she approaches Mulder and offers him to surrender.

Extrasensory perception

In the episode, Gibson Price is shown again – a boy who can read the thoughts of people and (as it turns out) aliens. It turns out that the boy has a telepathic connection with an alien entity born as a result of human infection with an extraterrestrial virus. This connection is mutual: the boy feels the location of the creature, and it does not touch the boy, although it kills other people without delay.

When analyzing the boy's blood, they find alien DNA in him.

The Alien

The shadow government, calling itself the "Syndicate", cooperates with the aliens by growing genetically modified corn with pollen infected with an alien virus. Bees that pollinate this corn become carriers of the virus. When the virus enters the human body (as a result of a bee sting or otherwise), an alien organism begins to develop inside it, and the body gradually turns into a nutritious jelly for it. At the same time, a person freezes hard, and high temperatures accelerate this process.

Being born, an alien organism tears apart human flesh. He is a humanoid about the height of a man, with sharp teeth and claws, possessing great strength immediately after birth. The creature grows rapidly, trying to stay in places with high temperatures, which contribute to its further development. In the process of growth, the creature sheds its skin and secretes a large amount of mucus.

The creature is aggressive: it kills all the people it meets, except for the telepathic boy, with whom it establishes a mental connection. Probably, the creature does not attack the boy, since it has a common origin with him.