Fern Flower
Published on September 22, 2021

All Souls

TV Show Episode1998
The Movie DataBase
All Souls
April 26, 1998
Scully faces her Catholic faith and the loss of her daughter Emily when she is asked to help a family whose adopted daughter was found dead in a position that looked like she was struck down by God himself.


"All Souls "is the seventeenth episode of the fifth season of the TV series"The X – Files". The episode belongs to the "monster of the week" type and is not related to the main "mythology" of the series."


Mentally and physically ill girl Dara Kernof is undergoing the rite of baptism. That same night, Dara, despite her disability, gets out of bed and goes outside in the rain. Then she walks up to the dark figure and kneels down. Her father manages to run up to his daughter, but then a dark figure flashes with a bright light, and Dara dies with her hands raised as if in prayer and her eyes burned out.

Scully comes to the church to confess. She tells the priest that she has sinned. The whole episode is staged as Scully's story to the priest in the confessional. At the same time, several times the events return to the confessional, where Scully talks about what happened and how it affected her. The story begins with the fact that a familiar priest, Father McKew, addresses Dana. He asks Scully to help the family of the deceased Dara. Scully finds out that Dara was a receptionist, but is unable to explain how the disabled person managed to go outside on his own. Dara's foster father describes a dark figure that he believes is the Devil himself. With the help of a local pathologist, Scully manages to find out that the girl had 6 fingers, but the cause of death is still not determined: there are too few burns on the body for death from a lightning strike. Scully turns to Fox Mulder for help.

Meanwhile, the priest Father Gregory visits a psychiatric hospital to pick up a girl named Paula Koklos, also mentally and physically ill and also with six fingers. He is stopped by a social worker, Iron Starkey, who claims that there was a mistake: Gregory's application for custody of the girl did not receive confirmation from the social worker. That same night, Paula dies just like Dara. Mulder finds out that Paula was Dara's sister, and that there are two other sisters besides them. Mulder also finds an inverted cross at the crime scene, which he considers a symbol of the struggle against the faith. Scully and Mulder visit Gregory's father, who says that he only wanted to protect Paula. When asked about Paula's mother, Gregory answers evasively, mentioning only that she died at the birth of her daughters. Mulder believes that Gregory is responsible for the murders, or at least involved in them. During the autopsy of Paula's body, Scully discovers strange tumors on the collarbones, similar to the rudiments of wings. Suddenly, Scully has a vision of her late daughter Emily lying on the table in place of Paula's body.

The third sister turns out to be a homeless woman who recently escaped from the Washington Teen Rehabilitation Center. Starkey helps Mulder find her. Scully finds out that the sisters have a progressive bone disease. As a result, Mulder finds his sister in an abandoned building, but too late: she is killed in the same strange way. At the scene of the crime, Mulder finds Gregory, who repeats that he "did not have time to save her". During the interrogation, Gregory says that the Devil needs to take the souls of the girls, and he is trying to prevent this. When the agents leave the room, Starkey appears there and tries to find out the location of the last sister. Gregory begins to pray and says nothing. Then Starkey kills him, causing the priest's skin to get very hot. It turns out that Starkey is the Devil himself.

Mulder finds out the location of the fourth girl – Roberta Dyer. He visits the girl's abusive foster father, who adopted her only because of social benefits, but she is not found there. The father says that he gave the girl to a priest named Gregory. Mulder calls to tell Scully this, and she informs him that Gregory is dead. During the call, Scully drops the keys and bends down to pick them up. At this moment, she notices a figure near her. After looking at the figure, Scully is speechless: rays of light come from the person, and he has four faces. In the morning, Scully visits the church to tell about this strange vision. Father McCue brings a book in which it is illustrated who the unknown is-the angel Seraphim. Once he came to Earth to take the souls of four Nephilim born with angelic souls, because of which their bodies were disfigured. In the book, the Nephilim have 6 fingers each. My father considers it a coincidence that the story from the book is similar to what is happening in reality. On the way out of the church, Scully picks up Starkey, who informs her that Mulder has found out: the fourth girl is in the church. There, Scully notices that Starkey's shadow has horns, and he himself cannot enter the church. Scully manages to find the girl, but Starkey demands that Scully bring her to him. At this moment, a bright light comes on from the corridor, and Scully hears a voice begging to lead the girl to the light. Scully goes to the light, but then stops and does not want to let go of Roberta: it seems to her that Emily is in her place. But the girl herself lets go of Scully's hand and goes into the light. After that, the Devil and the light disappear, and Roberta turns out to be dead with burned-out eyes – her soul was saved by Seraphim.

The episode ends with the arguments of Scully and the priest in the confessional. The priest believes that Scully released Roberta because she believed that she was releasing Emily's soul to heaven. Scully agrees. The priest says that Scully still does not know how to come to terms with the fact of her death and that this is also a lesson that she should learn – to accept the loss of her daughter. Scully answers: "Maybe this is faith?"


Scully is a humanoid creature surrounded by a bright glow with four alternating faces (a man, an eagle, a lion and a buffalo). Later in the church, Father McKew brings her a book that says that the unknown is the angel Seraphim. He came to Earth in order to take the souls of four Nephilim born with angelic souls, because of which their body and mind were disfigured and suffered (in particular, the nephilim have 6 fingers and toes, as well as the rudiments of wings on their backs).

The second unknown creature does not differ in appearance from a tall red-haired man, but it has an uncanny ability to cause burns in people with an effort of will. He is not able to enter the church, and his shadow shows small sharp horns.