Fern Flower
Published on July 20, 2021


TV Show Episode1998
Animated objects
The Movie DataBase
February 8, 1998
Master of Horror Stephen King's first effort at an X-File sees Scully's well deserved vacation going terribly wrong and landing her in a small Maine town where one of the residents is believed to be a witch, and her autistic daughter's doll has frighteningly evil powers.


"Chinga" (English: "Chinga") is the tenth episode of the fifth season of the TV series "The X-Files". The episode belongs to the "monster of the week" type and is not related to the main "mythology" of the series.

The cursed doll in general terms resembles a toy from the short story "Monkey" by Stephen King.


Scully, while on vacation in a quiet resort town in Maine, observes a terrible picture: people in a supermarket spontaneously injure themselves, and a butcher stabs himself in the eye with a knife. All the threads of the investigation converge on a little girl with a strange doll from the 1940s.

Animated objects

The doll that the girl's father finds in the sea turns out to be cursed and is able to influence people, forcing them to harm themselves. First of all, it causes harm to people who have caused the girl's discontent, as well as to those who threaten the doll, its owner or want to separate them.

Usually the doll's eyes are closed, but before attacking a person, they open, and a frightening phrase sounds from the built-in speaker (as a rule, "I want to play", but there are other options). A person attacked by a doll sees her as if she is able to move independently, but often at this time the doll is in the hands of a girl.

The doll is able to influence not only people, but also material objects: open and close doors, blow out matches, etc.

It is possible to rid the girl of the influence of the possessed toy and stop her attacks on her mother only by placing the doll in a working microwave oven. At the end of the episode, a burnt doll is shown, which has not lost its abilities.


A woman, whom the locals consider a hereditary witch, sees in the reflections on the glass (shop windows, windows, etc.) images of people who will soon die as a result of the actions of the cursed doll. Perhaps a woman can predict other deaths, but this is not shown in the series.