Fern Flower
Published on December 30, 2020


TV Show Episode1996
The Movie DataBase
November 10, 1996
After a doctor loses control and kills a patient on the operating table, Scully hypothesizes that it's linked to work-related stress, while Mulder is convinced of a more sinister reason. After he finds a link between the victim and the four witches Sabbaths, he suspects that a nurse may be practicing witchcraft.


"Sanguinarium "( from Lat. "Place of Blood" is the sixth episode of the fourth season of The X-Files. The episode belongs to the "monster of the week" type and has nothing to do with the main "mythology" of the series.


Mulder and Scully investigate the strange murders of plastic surgery patients by doctors during cosmetic operations (liposuction, rhinoplasty, chemical peeling). Mulder begins to suspect the work of witchcraft after he discovers a pentagram on the floor of the operating room, and also finds out that the dates of birth of the dead patients coincide with the dates of the largest covens of witches. An even more unexpected discovery is that the doctor who allegedly died 10 years ago is still alive.


The episode shows two people practicing black magic. The first is a plastic surgeon who sacrifices patients born on the days of the great Witches ' sabbath. As a result, he gains the power that allows him to change his appearance, become younger and more beautiful. It is able to levitate itself and move objects (needles, medical instruments) inside the human body.

The second sorceress is a nurse who uses pentagrams and magical rituals to protect patients and kill the sorcerer. However, he is much stronger, and the nurse dies from an internal hemorrhage caused by a large number of needles, it is unclear how they ended up in her stomach.

The series mentions the phenomenon of "allotriophagy", which is used both in traditional medicine (perversion of taste or peak-an obsessive desire to eat inedible objects) and in occultism (associated with the regurgitation of objects not intended for food by possessed people).