Fern Flower
Published on November 5, 2020

Jose Chung's "From Outer Space"

TV Show Episode1996
The Alien
The Movie DataBase
Jose Chung's "From Outer Space"
April 12, 1996
A alien abduction of two teenagers with endless versions of the same story prompts a science-fiction novelist to to write a book about the incident; however, nobody involved with the investigation can tell him the full story with any accuracy.


"From outer space "by Joe Chung (English:" Jose Chung's From Outer Space") is the twentieth episode of the third season of the X – files series. The episode is not related to the main" mythology " of the series set in the first series. It belongs to a separate type of "X-files" episode, because, although it follows the standard "monster of the week" template, it contains a large amount of humor conveyed by manipulating the point of view, which leads to multiple retellings of events by narrators of varying degrees of unreliability.

This is a wonderful episode that will appeal not only to fans of the series, but also to all fans of the UFO theme. The episode is a "national hodgepodge of UFOlogy": so, in its plot there are different types of aliens and their ships, unreliable witnesses, alien abduction, people in black, regressive hypnosis, the most popular explanations are mentioned (from observing Venus to staging abductions by the military) and much more.

The episode contains a large number of references to real UFO theories, patterns and stereotypes, as well as to pop culture and famous personalities. So, the name of one of the aliens (Lord Kinbote) is probably a reference to the unreliable narrator in the novel of Vladimir Nabokov's "Pale fire." Klass County was named after the famous skeptic Philip J. A class whose theory that most UFO observers actually see only the planet Venus is directly mentioned in the episode. The pilots, dressed in alien costumes, were named after Robert Schaeffer and Jacques Vallee, who are the authors of books about the UFO phenomenon. Air force Sergeant Hynek was named after UFO researcher Dr. J. Allen Hynek.

The character of rocky Kristenson is named after musician roky Erickson, who claims to have the experience of alien abductions. Chang gives Mulder the pseudonym Reynard in honor of the legendary Fox (Fox Reynard is a literary cycle of medieval allegorical fables in Dutch, English, French, and German). Alien autopsy video, " Dead alien! True or false? " is a reference to both the first episode of the series, written by Darren Morgan, and the present video "alien Autopsy: fact or fiction", which was broadcast by Fox in 1995.

Detective manners was named after series Director Kim manners. During the interview, blaine is wearing a "Space: Above and Beyond" t-shirt. Lieutenant Schaefer, absentmindedly shaping his potato into a mountain, is a subtle reference to the film Close encounters of the third degree (1977). The same film is hinted at by rocky's work as a line fitter for an energy company, since Roy Neary, the character played by Richard Dreyfus, held the same position.

The cover of Jose Chang's book references the cover of Whitley Strieber's 1987 book Communion.

It's interesting

The twentieth episode of the third season of the series "The X-Files" "From outer space" by Joe Chang (Eng. "Jose Chung's From Outer Space") it contains a large number of references to real ufo theories, patterns and stereotypes, as well as to pop culture and famous personalities.  So, the name of one of the aliens (Lord Kinbot) is probably a reference to the unreliable narrator in Vladimir Nabokov's novel Pale Fire. Klass County was named after the famous skeptic Philip J. A class whose theory that most UFO observers actually see only the planet Venus is directly mentioned in the episode. The pilots, dressed in alien costumes, were named after Robert Schaeffer and Jacques Vallee, who are the authors of books about the UFO phenomenon. Air Force Sergeant Hynek was named after UFO researcher Dr. J. Allen Hynek.

The twentieth episode of the third season of the series "X-Files" "From outer space" by Joe Chang (Eng. "Jose Chung's From Outer Space") the cover of the book by Jose Chang refers to the cover of the book by Whitley Strieber "Communion" (Communion)  1987.


A couple of teenagers, Harold and Chrissy, come back in the evening from a date. After their car suddenly stops, they see a UFO and are captured by a pair of gray aliens. However, the Grays soon encounter a giant alien from another race, after which the panicked Grays address each other in perfect English.

Later, agent Dana Scully gives an interview about the investigation to the famous writer Jose Chang, who is conducting research for a book about alien abductions and UFO phenomena. Scully notes that Chrissy, who was found with her clothes turned inside out, looked like a date rape victim. During the interrogation, Harold claims that he did not rape her and that they were both abducted by aliens.

The foul-mouthed local detective Manners doesn't believe the guy's story, but agent Fox Mulder forces Chrissy to undergo hypnosis, under the influence of which She describes being on a spaceship surrounded by aliens. Harold claims that he met a gray alien on the ship, Smoking a cigarette, who kept saying: "This is not happening."

Mulder is convinced that Chrissie and Harold were abducted by aliens, but Scully finds it more plausible that the two teenagers simply had consensual sex and are struggling to cope with the emotional consequences.

The agents then talk to a power company employee named rocky Crickenson, who claims to have witnessed the abduction of Chrissy and Harold, and recorded his observations and framed them as a script. He recalls a strange visit to his home by a pair of men in black who told him that the UFO he thought he had seen the night before was just the planet Venus, and threatened to kill him if he told anyone else.

Rocky's script describes his encounter with the same giant alien calling himself Lord Kinbot, who brought him to the center of the Earth and told him that a big mission was prepared for him.

Telling rocky's version of events to Jose Chang, Scully explains that rocky has a"penchant for fantasy". Mulder, however, thinks that rocky's story contains some partial truths, and decides to re-hypnotize Chrissy. This time, Chrissy claims that she was captured by the us military, not aliens, and they "brainwashed" her into believing that she was abducted by aliens.

Chang talks to blaine, a fan of science fiction and the game "Dungeons and dragons", who often wanders the woods of Klass County at night in search of UFOs. Blaine tells Chang how he found the alien's body one night, which was later discovered by Mulder, Scully, and detective Manners. Blaine thinks Mulder and Scully are a pair of men in black. He claims that Mulder showed no emotion, but screamed when he saw the alien, and that Scully, who blaine believes is a man dressed as a woman, threatened him and told him not to tell anyone about the alien body. Mulder lets blaine videotape Scully performing an autopsy on an alien. This video soon turns out to be part of a documentary produced by the Magnificent Yuppie. An autopsy reveals that the alien is actually a dead air force pilot in an alien suit. His superiors arrive to collect the body, but it disappears from the morgue. Mulder tricks the military into revealing the identity of the second missing air force pilot, Lieutenant Jack Schaefer.

As Mulder recalls, that night he found Schaefer in a state of shock walking naked on a highway in Klass County. After giving him clothes, Mulder takes Schaefer to a diner, where the pilot explains that he and his partner were dressed as aliens while flying a secret American military plane resembling a UFO. He thinks that he, his partner, and two teenagers were abducted by real aliens in a real UFO, but Schaefer is also unsure if what he sees now is real, and tells Mulder that even he himself may not exist. Soon, his superiors appear and take him away. Before leaving the diner with the military, Schaefer tells Mulder, " I'm dead."

However, the diner's chef tells Jose Chang a different version of the story. He says Mulder was at the diner alone that night and asked the cook strange questions about UFOs and alien abductions, ordering slice after slice of sweet potato pie.

After leaving the diner Mulder returns to their Motel, and finds in the room, Scully, men in black, who had previously come to the rocky Kristenson. Scully seems to be in a trance and doesn't remember seeing men in black in the morning.

The next morning, Mulder, Scully, and detective manners learn about the air force plane crash and head to the scene, where they find the bodies of two air force pilots they met earlier.

Mulder visits with Chung, pleading with him not to publish the book, as she is more discreditied researchers and witnesses of UFOs by making them look ridiculous. Chang refuses Mulder and publishes the book anyway, which Scully then reads in his office.

In the book, Chang describes how there was the fate of the people he interviewed: rocky moved to California and founded a spiritual cult based on the teachings that he believes he received from the Lord Kinbote. Mulder is in his bed watching footage of Bigfoot on TV. Harold confesses his love for Chrissie. She dismisses it as immature because of her experience of abduction by aliens led to her thoughts on philanthropy and the helping of humanity.

The VoiceOver ends the story with Chang concluding that evidence of extraterrestrial life remains elusive.


The episode shows two UFOs.

One of them, shaped like a disk, is supposedly a secret us air force plane. When this object appears, the area is illuminated with a bright light, and the electrical equipment of the car stops working.

The second UFO is pyramid-shaped and of unknown origin. It emits a ray of red light, with which a UFO descends to the surface of the earth alien.

The Alien

There are two types of aliens in the episode. Some of them are classic "Greys" who kidnap teenagers right out of the car and conduct some medical experiments on them. Teenagers show all the classic symptoms of alien abduction victims. Later it turns out. that the aliens were members of the US air force in suits, and the experiments were conducted by people on a military base. Teenagers ' memories of aliens are the result of hypnotic influence.

A second visitor calls himself Lord Kinbote and claims that came from the bowels of the Earth. He is very tall and looks like a one-eyed snowman.

All aliens speak to humans without opening their mouths, presumably transmitting their thoughts to them telepathically. However, "gray" say so because of the features of their costumes.