Fern Flower
Published on August 19, 2018

Werewolf of London

The Movie DataBase
Werewolf of London
May 13, 1935
A strange animal attack turns a botanist into a bloodthirsty monster.


"The London Werewolf" (orig. "Werewolf of London") is a classic horror film by Universal Pictures studio, released in 1935. This film is the earliest surviving Hollywood film in which a man turns into the likeness of a wolf (in 1913, a silent film called "The Werewolf" was released, but all copies of it were destroyed by fire in 1924; in 1925, the film "Blood of the Wolf", or in the original "Wolfblood: A Tale of the Forest", but although it is considered the first film in which werewolves are mentioned, no one turns into a wolf in it).

In this film, for some reason, lycanthropy is called lycanthropy, although these are completely different concepts.

The film inspired many people to create songs, theatrical productions and printed publications on the topic of werewolves, and also gave rise to a whole wave of films dedicated to these mystical characters.

It's interesting

The film "The London Werewolf" (orig. "Werewolf of London", 1935) is the earliest surviving Hollywood film in which a man turns into the likeness of a wolf (in 1913, a silent film called "Werewolf" was released, but all copies of it were destroyed by fire in 1924; in 1925, the film "Blood of the Wolf" was released on screens, or in the original "Wolfblood: A Tale of the Forest", but although it is considered the first film in which werewolves are mentioned, no one turns into a wolf in it).


During a trip to Tibet, botanist Wilfred Glendon is bitten in the hand by an unknown creature that looks like a wolf. After discovering the mysterious marifaza plant, whose flowers bloom only by moonlight, he returns to London. In his laboratory, Glendon is trying to revive the plant with artificial light. At this time, a reception is being held in his house on the occasion of the opening of the botanical garden, during which his wife, Lisa, meets with a childhood friend who unexpectedly returned from America, Paul.

Meanwhile, Glendon is visited by Dr. Yogami, who claims that they met in Tibet. Yogami, as it turns out later, is the creature that bit Glendon-a werewolf. He lets Glendon know that he, too, will turn into a wolf as a result of the bite. The only known antidote is an extract of that plant, marifase, which Glendon brought with him from Tibet, and which Yogami was also looking for (the plant he found died during transportation to Japan, or was completely used by him). But Yogami clarifies: the extract is only a temporary protection, an antidote, but not a medicine.

Glendon refuses Yogami's help, and he warns him goodbye: the werewolf instinctively seeks to destroy what he loves most. Confused and scared, Glendon panics and concentrates on his botanical experiments. When he is distracted to find out more information about werewolves, someone cuts off the marifaza flowers.

His wife, along with Paul, goes to a party at her aunt Hattie's, where, among other things, Dr. Yogami (whom she calls Yokohama) is invited. Glendon, already prone to jealousy, is born with the certainty that it was Lisa or Paul who cut the flowers. In the form of a wolf, he rushes after them. Sneaking into the house to a tipsy aunt, he scares her, but does not kill her.

The former head of Scotland Yard, Colonel Forsyth, who is also Paul's uncle, complacently notes that she drank too much, and does not believe in her story about the attack of a werewolf. The next morning, a Yogi who left the party on time reads an article in the newspaper about the murder of an unknown girl on the street. His conscience begins to torment him, because he secretly took the flowers away. The police are taking over the investigation.

Glendon is trying to find a way out of a nightmarish situation by renting a separate room. But the next night the conversion is repeated, he escapes and kills again. Yogami informs the police that the murders are a consequence of the existence of a werewolf, and that in order to stop them, it is necessary to take control of marifaza. Paul hardly persuades his uncle to check these statements. Glendon tries in vain to speed up the ripening of stubborn marifaza flowers, but one more night is needed. Terrified at the thought of what might happen, so as not to cause trouble this time, he rushes to Lisa's ancestral estate, Faldon House, where he asks the forester to lock himself in a room in the tower. But Paul and Lisa also come there for a night walk. In the form of a wolf, Glendon sees them carelessly walking through a dark garden. The desire for human blood drives him to the point that he starts hunting his wife Lisa and hunts until he is shot by Forsythe.


The film presents two werewolf: Dr Yogis and bitten them botanist Wilfred Glendon. They both undergo a transformation at night during a full moon. While it is not clear the impact that transformation of the moonlight. On the one hand, the hand of the Glendon placed in the beam of artificial moonlight, turns into a paw. On the other hand, the night he transformered no matter falls on it the moon or not.

Both people are in the way of the werewolves turn into wolves, and do not lose their humanoid appearance, but only acquire thick hair and fangs on the lower jaw. They also do not lose their minds and are conscious, however, feel an overwhelming desire to attack people. According to Dr. Yogis, if the werewolf for the night will not kill a single person, he will forever remain a wolf. The only known tool that allows you to turn into a werewolf - flower maripaz, drop night. The juice of this flower, you must enter under the skin of the werewolf with the help of prick of the thorn. Lasts only one night, so one full moon, every werewolf would require three flower maripaz.

You can become a werewolf due to the bite of another werewolf. Any special conditions for killing a werewolf is not required, it is enough to shoot from a real gun. After the death of the werewolf takes on human form.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»