Fern Flower
Published on September 30, 2017

War of the Worlds

The Alien
The Movie DataBase
War of the Worlds
June 28, 2005
Ray Ferrier is a divorced dockworker and less-than-perfect father. Soon after his ex-wife and her new husband drop off his teenage son and young daughter for a rare weekend visit, a strange and powerful lightning storm touches down.


The Steven Spielberg film "war of the worlds", released in 2005, is an adaptation of the novel by Hg wells.

The spirit and main idea of the film is much closer to the Hg wells novel than the 1953 film adaptation. In the present picture the canonical tripod, moving the aliens around Earth, narrated from one person's face, saved mention of Martian vegetation, and Mature the scope and the duration of the war with the aliens.

On the other hand, there are differences from the source. They primarily concern the image of the main character (he is divorced and has two children), as well as the red line passing in the film, which is usual for Steven Spielberg, but absent from wells to promote family values. In addition, modifications have been the strategy of the aliens: it turns out that the tripods were hidden under the earth many hundreds of years ago, and all the while the aliens waited for the right case to launch an operation to conquer the planet (in the book, the Martians brought with them everything necessary for tripods and collected them at the crash site of their interplanetary ships). Heat destroys the beam is in the visible range of the spectrum, while at wells, he was invisible. Also in the film is somewhat altered adaptation of the aliens to life on earth (in the book they used chemical weapons, and the Martian, the grass grew by itself, whereas in the film the aliens are sucking the blood of humans to fertilize the land for the development of Martian flora).

The special effects in the film look almost photorealistic, despite the fact that made using computer graphics.

Unlike the 1953 movie and the book, 1897 in this movie as a phenomenon is not present UFO: no tripod, no lightning, delivering to him the aliens, flying objects can not be considered.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


Ex-wife of the main character leaves him a son and a daughter, and she was leaving to visit her parents in Boston. The next morning over their house there is a strange storm cloud in the sky, which emits groups of electromagnetic pulses in the form of lightning. This leads to massive shutdown of all operating electronic devices, including automotive electronics. Local residents of the town begin to examine the strange marks from lightning strikes on the tarmac, which suddenly starts to break up like an earthquake, and from the ground appears a huge tripod. He begins to vaporise people rays. The protagonist manages to escape and return to his house. Realizing that to stay in the city insecure, he collects things, takes the children and leaves, taking the only working car at the neighbor-mechanic.

After spending the night in the house of his ex-wife, the main character and the children see that an electrical storm caused the plane crash that nearly collapsed on their house. They decide to go out in Boston because I hear from the news service warning of the approaching tripods. During the trip, an angry mob attacked the car of the family, resulting in the main character along with children forced to leave it and walk to the ferry terminal. When they get on the ferry, its out of the water attacking the tripod.

The son of the protagonist, obsessed with the alien battle, runs away to war, and the protagonist with her daughter hiding in the basement of a man who had sworn to take revenge on the aliens for the death of his family. Aliens surround the shelter, the main character has the intelligence to cut off the limb of the tripod. The aliens capture the main character with his daughter and placed in a cage with a group of other unfortunates, but he blows up a tripod inside with grenades and saves people.

The main character daughter goes to Boston, where along with the crowd seeking refuge. There he notes that the Martian grass is dying. Then, aware that the protection of ships has stopped working. Military shooting tripod in and out of it creeps a dying alien, infected by microorganisms that inhabit the Earth with which man coexisted for many millions of years and, unlike alien, is immune to their effects.

The main character's daughter gets to the house of the parents of his ex-wife, where he meets a family in full, including son escaped from earlier.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

The Alien

Aliens come to Earth to capture and extermination. In contrast to the original source and film, 1953, in which aliens definitely called Martians, this work does not specify the origin of the aliens. In the story they have been watching our planet, and the invasion was planned hundreds or even thousands of years ago. At the same time that it remains unknown why the attack was launched right now.

Technologically civilization of aliens much larger than human. They arrive unbeknownst to the people using lightning as a means of delivery capsules with the pilots of the tripods. The tripods are used to protect the unknown force field, and also equipped with weapons and, obviously, the sources of energy of immense power. As in the movie, 1953 the vehicle is equipped with alien intelligence probes with a camera on the end.

The original idea of the authors is that the aliens are not only destroying the earthlings by spraying, but to catch them alive to further use their blood to spray as fertilizer for alien vegetation (similar to the red lichen). To maintain the stock of people alive in each tripod has two special compartment in the form of baskets.

The appearance of the aliens is different from what was described in the original work shown in the previous film. First, they have three feet, which, apparently, should explain the original design ideas used in tripods. Secondly, the aliens have a very large and uniquely identifiable head, whereas in the book they did not have the forehead and chin. In General, the stranger the impression of anthropomorphic (if not to count the number of legs) creatures and corresponds to the most common modern description: gray skin, thin limbs, big head, huge black eyes, small mouth. In fact, this variation on the theme of "grey aliens".

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»