Fern Flower
Published on September 29, 2017

The War of the Worlds

The Alien
The Movie DataBase
The War of the Worlds
August 13, 1953
The residents of a small town are excited when a flaming meteor lands in the hills, until they discover it is the first of many transport devices from Mars bringing an army of invaders invincible to any man-made weapon, even the atomic bomb.


"War of the worlds" is a science-fiction film directed by Byron Haskin, released in 1953. It was created on motives of the novel by Hg wells, but the film moved in 1950-ies in the United States.

The story and the main message of this work are significantly different from the original. In the book, the author focuses on the description of events on behalf of their protagonist, who sees his usual serene world is crumbling under the onslaught of alien invaders. Wells shows that all our scientific knowledge may not be enough not only to resist the aliens, but to easy to predict their actions (so, for a long time people believed that the Martians because of the high gravity on Earth will not be able to get out of the craters formed in the fall of ships, the appearance of tripods is their complete surprise). The film also focuses on the description of the destruction produced by the aliens, without going into the philosophy of the game and the experiences of individuals.

The special effects in the film consistent with the best examples of his time, for which the film was awarded the prize "Oscar". Despite the fact that the HD version of the film is sometimes seen the ropes on which the moving alien ships, and the sheer panache destroying rays, they even now look quite good.

This film had a significant impact on the development of the genre of kinofantastiki, for the love of the audience to the subject, and also became the basis for many parodies and imitations.

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At the beginning of the narrative voice-over talks about the hostile plans of the Martians about the seizure of Land in connection with the depletion of their home planet.

Residents of a small California town see a fall to the ground a large meteorite. The city authorities decided to bring the event the attention of a group of scientists, who were vacationing nearby. Employee "Pacific Institute of Science And Technologies" Clayton Forrester (astronomer and a nuclear physicist) agrees to help and travels to the crash site. Here he met with the local librarian Sylvia van Buren. As he approached, he discovers that the fallen body is supposedly hollow inside, and creates a higher radiation background. Residents disagree, waiting for the object to cool. Meanwhile, the body of a stranded space alien ship opened from the inside and the Martians kill nearby people. The city lost electricity and stop working almost all metal devices due to the fact that they are strongly magnetized.

The Martians begin to attack the Earth and its inhabitants, moving in flying saucers, and attack earthlings devastating heat rays. Comes to the aid of the American army. Pastor (uncle of Sylvia) tries to reason with the aliens with a prayer, but is immediately destroyed. Military opened fire on the enemy with all weapons, but their actions are useless, because the Martian ships are closed by a force field. Residents of the city in a panic leaving the city. Clayton and Sylvia flee in a small plane, but after a shot of one of the plates are forced to land somewhere in the desert. Escaping from a flooded neighborhood of the Martians, they take refuge in an abandoned house. The room starts to explore the ship of the Martians with the help of retractable tentacles with the likeness of a video camera on the end. Clayton bounces from coming to the house of the Martian mechanical and chops off a tentacle. A pair of earthlings manage to escape, bringing a blood sample of the alien and their technology authorities.

After the capture of earth by Martians strategic points of defense in Washington decide to go on an extreme measure, and to strike the enemy nuclear strike, but it's not causing the enemy any damage. Largest cities of the Earth are in ruins. Begins the flight of people from Los Angeles. Distraught townspeople throw Forrester from the last truck, and he is forced to stay in the city, which were abandoned. In a small Church, Forrester finds Sylvia. It starts with the offensive flying saucers, and all the survivors expect to die soon, but suddenly, stop the Martians and their ships freeze. All the aliens are dead – they died from exposure to terrestrial microorganisms, because they had no immunity.

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There are two types of UFOs: interplanetary ships of the Martians and the vehicle they use on Earth.

Interplanetary ships come to Earth in the form of giant fireballs, from which the fall comes blue-purple glow (not greenish, as described in original). People watching the landing and later discovered the crashed ship, take him for a meteorite. After the fall of the ship is heated and melted, the area around it burns so much that requires long-term efforts to extinguish the fire. A funnel formed in the fall, not as big as one would assume based on the size of the object, from which the main character makes a conclusion about the presence of voids inside the "meteorite". After the vehicle cools down (which takes several hours, during which the majority of onlookers gathered around to go home), in the upper part detected by the hatch opening from the inside. From the hatch appears the weapon, which instantly incinerates bystanders, and then in the next town off the electricity and stop working the phones and watch, and the compass begins to point in the direction of the UFO crash site.

The Martian ships used for the movement to appear after attempting to attack the landing site from the air. The process of Assembly of the aliens in the film are not shown. These ships have the shape of a Stingray, and where the Stingray would be the head, is the window. Ships have monstrous firepower and equipped with guns of two types: the process of emitting "heat rays" of red, and green lights in the corners of the ship, firing green energy beams. The action of both guns are the same: all trapped in the affected area (people, buildings, military equipment) instantly withering. To protect against attacks from the Terran ships are surrounded by a protective energy field that is not able to penetrate even a nuclear warhead. In addition, the equipment of the ship includes a probe with a video camera ("electronic eye"), which is similar in structure to the eyes of the Martians.

Shown in the movie UFOs are different from those described by wells "tripods" that, apparently, is connected with desire of the authors to use popular images of "flying saucers."

When moving ships emit a "vibrating" sound, typical of descriptions of UFOs taken in the films of that time.

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The Alien

The aliens shown in the film are the Martians, who arrived on Earth to capture, because on their home planet conditions for life become too heavy.

Themselves aliens in the movie are shown only once, since they usually are moved on a special transport. The Martian looks like a humanoid creature with no neck with the skin of a dirty brown. One of his eyes in the form of red-green-blue rounded triangle, at the hands of three fingers with suction cups on the end.

The film also shows Martian blood under a microscope and there was her biological primitiveness that, apparently, must justify the extremely low immunity Martians to earth bacteria and viruses.

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