Fern Flower
Published on July 20, 2021

The Tomorrow War

The Alien
The Movie DataBase
The Tomorrow War
September 3, 2021
The world is stunned when a group of time travelers arrive from the year 2051 to deliver an urgent message: Thirty years in the future, mankind is losing a global war against a deadly alien species. The only hope for survival is for soldiers and civilians from the present to be transported to the future and join the fight. Among those recruited is high school teacher and family man Dan Forester. Determined to save the world for his young daughter, Dan teams up with a brilliant scientist and his estranged father in a desperate quest to rewrite the fate of the planet.


"The War of the Future" (English: "The Tomorrow War") is an American film in the genre of combat fiction, released in 2021.


In December 2022, Dan Forester, a biology teacher and former military officer, cannot get a job at a prestigious research center. During the broadcast of the World Cup, soldiers from 2051 arrive at the stadium. They say that in their time, humanity is on the verge of extinction due to a war with alien creatures known as "white-chips", who appeared in November 2048 and killed most of humanity within three years. To help in the fight against aliens, people are sent to the future through a wormhole called "Jumplink", but less than 20% of them return after a seven-day stay in a combat zone.

Dan receives a notification that he has been drafted into the army, and tells his wife about it. She offers to run away and persuades Dan to visit his father – a mechanical engineer named James who lives separately. He wants his father to help him remove the tracking " bug " attached to his arm. Dan's father left his mother and him after he returned from Vietnam, because he felt that he was a threat to them. Dan tells his father that he doesn't want his help, calls him a coward, and then leaves.

Dan goes to the base, where he takes a basic military training course. Together with another conscript named Charlie, they come to the conclusion that in order to avoid time paradoxes, they call only those who died before the war began; those who came from the future were not yet born in their time.

Recruits are sent to the battlefield in Miami Beach, but the wormhole fails and they are thrown high above the city. After a fall from a huge height, few survive. The commander of the troops of the future, Colonel Forester, orders the recruits to rescue the employees of the nearest laboratory before the area around it is cleared from the air. However, it turns out that the laboratory staff is already dead. Dan reports this on the radio, and is told that no help will be sent to rescue the stranded soldiers. Almost all the recruits are killed in the battle with the whitecaps, with the exception of Charlie, Dan and Dorian – a battle-hardened soldier who has already gone on his third trip to the future.

Survivors wake up in a military camp on the territory of the Dominican Republic. Dan finds himself directly subordinate to Colonel Forester, who is his daughter Muri. She asks him to accompany her on a mission to capture a female white-chip, which are much rarer than males. They trap the female in a trap and send her by helicopter to a research center equipped in a fortified oil rig near Port Nelson. Dan and Muri run away from the attacking male whitecaps to the beach. Muri tells Dan that, dissatisfied with his life after losing a promising job, he will leave his family and die in a car accident in 2030.

With the help of the female's blood, Muri creates a toxin that can kill all white-thorns. The aliens attack and take over the base, and Muri sacrifices himself to send Dan back in time with the toxin and prevent the outbreak of war. He returns to 2023 with the toxin, but the "Jumplink"is destroyed in the future, and there is no possibility to go back. The world perceives this information as a sign that the war with the aliens will be lost.

Dan brainstorms with his wife Emmy, and they come to the conclusion that aliens did not appear on Earth in 2048, but much earlier. Dan consults with Charlie and Martin, a high school student interested in volcanoes, and they assume that whitecaps have been on Earth since at least the "Millennium Eruption" in 946. Most likely, they appeared from under the ice caps after the melting of the ice as a result of global warming.

After the US Secretary of Defense refuses to use military resources to confirm their theory, Dan himself leads a mission to Russia, where, according to their calculations, the alien ship lies in the ice. The team discovers a crashed alien ship near the glacier of the Academy of Sciences on Komsomolets Island. Once inside, they realize that the whitecaps are not the aliens themselves, but rather artificially created organisms that may have been used by another alien race as a weapon to clean up the planets. The team injects the toxin into the bodies of several aliens. This kills them, but in their death throes they wake up the rest of the colony.

Dorian, terminally ill with cancer and willing to die on his own terms, stays behind to blow up the ship. The explosion kills all the whitecaps, except for one female. Dan and his father track her down and kill her.

Satisfied that war has been averted and humanity has been saved, Dan brings James home to introduce him to his wife and daughter. He is determined not to make the mistakes that Muri warned him about in her version of the future.


In the future, people have invented a time machine that allows you to move in both directions for a certain distance along the time axis (about 30 years). The period of time for which the movement is carried out remains constant, and the starting point and the moment of arrival move forward at a speed corresponding to the usual flow of time.

The time travel device allows you to transfer entire groups of people. The exit point is tied to the coordinates on the Ground, but periodically there are failures, and people find themselves high in the sky. The reverse movement occurs automatically after a specified period of time, no matter where the person is.

To avoid time paradoxes, people who were not yet born at that time are moved to the past; only those who are dead at that time are sent to the future.

The Alien

The film shows several types of aliens.

Conventionally, aliens can be considered people who travel in time, who do not differ in appearance from other people, because the time difference is only about 30 years.

The film also shows two types of aliens. The first are "white spikes", aggressive alien animals that attack all living things. They do not have a developed intelligence and are ideal killing machines. Their body is larger than a human, whitish in color, with six legs and two tentacles capable of shooting spikes. The head is small, with two eyes and a mouth with huge fangs. Beloships feed on people and animals, it can be assumed that they are driven by hunger, and not a simple desire to kill. Beloships can move at high speed both on land and in water, and are also able to plan in the air for some time by jumping from a height.

Beloships build huge underground nests. They are divided into males and females. The females are much smaller, but they are larger, stronger and more hardy. Males protect the female and feel her call at a considerable distance.

In the course of the story, an assumption is made that the white spikes are artificially bred creatures that are alien biological weapons. They are thrown on the planet, and after a few years there is nothing left alive on it.

Another type of aliens shown in the film is a race of highly developed aliens whose ship crashed in the Arctic ice more than 1000 years ago. All the crew members died in the crash, and only their icy corpses are shown in the film. The aliens were transporting containers with white-chip embryos that were preserved after the accident. The melting of the ice as a result of global warming led to the fact that they were free, multiplied and in 30 years almost destroyed humanity.