Fern Flower
Published on December 31, 2019

Village of the Damned

Anomalous zone
The Alien
The Movie DataBase
Village of the Damned
April 28, 1995
An American village is visited by some unknown life form which leaves the women of the village pregnant. Nine months later, the babies are born, and they all look normal, but it doesn't take the "parents" long to realize that the kids are not human or humane.


Village of the damned (orig. "Village of the Damned") – American science fiction Thriller 1995, filmed on the novel by John Wyndham "the little cuckoos of Midwich".

The film is a remake of the eponymous British movie 1960.

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The American village of Midwich is visited by aliens. Under their influence all the people suddenly fall into an unhealthy sleep that lasts 6 hours. Wake up they are under the supervision of Dr. Susan Werner. The visit of 10 women become pregnant, including one virgin and a woman whose husband was gone a long time from Midwich. Exactly nine months later, in the same hour are born similar to each other children. One of them dies in childbirth.

The grown kids are different from ordinary children by its pale appearance, platinum hair and piercing eyes. In addition, they are smarter than their peers and show no emotions. Strange children bring the villagers some misfortune and are afraid of even their own parents. Susan Werner continues observing local phenomenon and finds that children are able to read thoughts and have monstrous abilities.

Soon the children are merged two by two, except for David, a pair of which was a stillborn girl. As a result of this the loss of David becomes an outcast of the group. Despite the fact that he looks like other children and also have superhuman abilities, David is showing human compassion.

The head of the group is Mara, daughter of the local physician, Dr. Alan Chaffee and his wife Barbara. Under her leadership, the children who are bad residents, moving in vaguely detached shed and use it as their classroom.

It soon becomes known that a colony existed in other countries, but was destroyed due to the inhuman nature of strange children, in some cases, the cost of destroying an entire city. Research group studying children in Midwich, leaving town, seeking to avoid a similar fate. Mara forces the Susan Werner show saved to research the corpse of a stillborn girl looked like an alien, then makes to kill himself.

To rid the city of children before the authorities will destroy it along with all the residents, Alan plans to detonate a bomb in the shed. Jill begs him to spare David, who is different from the rest. Thinking of a brick wall, Alan creates a mental barrier and keeps his plan a secret from the children. Taking advantage of the turmoil, Jill takes David and leaves the building. Mara's too late through the protection of Alan, and the bomb explodes, killing all inside, including the doctor himself.

Jill and David together going away from Midwich.

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Before the appearance of the anomalous zone over Midwich flew a large unidentified object. He was not noticed by the inhabitants, and viewers of the film shows only his shadow moving from the sea and covers the coastal building.

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Anomalous zone

The abnormal area is the town of Midwich and its surroundings as a result of actions of the aliens. All people, animals and birds inside the area to lose consciousness and do not react to external stimuli for several hours. After the disappearance of the anomalies in people and animals come to life (except for those of them who received injuries incompatible with life).

Few weeks it appears that many women of Midwich became pregnant in the period when the observed anomaly.

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Kids-the aliens have pronounced telepathic abilities: they can read minds and control other people's behavior. At the same time attempts to read the thoughts can be closed, imagining the ocean or a brick wall.

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The Alien

Aliens can be considered children born to women of Midwich, became pregnant after the anomaly. There are only nine (ten is born dead), and they differ from normal children of color and structure of hair, nail shape and eye color that varies depending on mental state. The analysis showed their genetic similarity, as if they were born from the same father. Tenth stillborn child looks like an alien, unlike the other children.

Aliens stick together, wear the same (or similar) clothes and hairstyles. Mentally, they are far ahead of their peers. The characters in the film several times talking about the presence of the children of the collective mind, but in their actions it does not appear (in contrast to the literary source and the film in 1960, in which they even studied at a time).

As they grow older, children are divided into pairs, obviously with a hint of the future offspring. The child left without a pair, different from the rest of greater susceptibility to emotions and attachment to mother.

All the kids-the aliens have supernatural telepathic abilities, which when activated they begin to glow the eye, and the greater the effort made by the child, the brighter they glow.

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