Fern Flower
Published on August 30, 2020

The VelociPastor

The Movie DataBase
The VelociPastor
September 28, 2018
After losing his parents, a priest travels to China, where he inherits a mysterious ability to turn into a dinosaur. At first horrified by this new power, a prostitute convinces him to fight crime. And ninjas.


"Velocitator" (orig. The VelociPastor is a 2017 American Comedy horror film. Director Brendan steer came up with the idea for the film back in 2010, after his phone automatically replaced the word "Velociraptor" with "Veloci Pastor".

After premiering in 2017 and showing at film festivals, the film was released in the Netherlands in 2018, then released on DVD and broadcast on cable television in North America.


After the death of his parents, Catholic priest Doug goes to China to restore faith in God, because that is where, in his opinion, the Lord would not have followed him. But instead of gaining faith, he accidentally acquires the ability to transform into a bloodthirsty dinosaur.

Returning to the States and unable to resist the growing hunger, Doug changes form, kills a street robber and thus saves the prostitute Carol. The next day, he is horrified by what he has done, but Carol convinces him to use his unusual abilities for good. The priest goes on the warpath with crime.

Representatives of the Chinese Christian Church decide to implement a plan to take over the world: they train ninjas, planning to sell cocaine on the streets, and then at meetings of narcotics anonymous to recruit new followers and turn them into ninjas.

Doug kills Carol's pimp, who blew up his parents ' car, causing their deaths. Doug's mentor believes that his transformation into a dinosaur is the work of demons, and decides to turn to a familiar exorcist. During the session, Doug turns into a dinosaur and injures the mentor.

The head of a Chinese Christian Church kidnaps Dag's mentor and tries to recruit him, but he refuses, after which he is killed.

In the morning, when Doug and Carol are basking in bed, the ninjas burst into the room. Carol and Doug defeat them, but Odin manages to tell them about Doug's dead mentor before he dies. After that, Doug goes to take revenge in the ninja camp. There, he meets the right hand of the head of the Chinese Church – his own brother, who all his life envied Doug's relationship with his parents. While Doug fights with his brother, Carol is fatally wounded. This provokes Doug to turn into a dinosaur and kill all the remaining ninjas in the camp, including the head of the Church.

Doug takes Carol to the hospital, where she recovers fairly quickly. After that, she and Doug leave to protect the world from evil.


The main character gains the ability to transform into a dinosaur after injuring his hand with an ancient relic similar to the tooth of a huge reptile. The transformation occurs in moments of intense hunger or anger. Sometimes we are shown the full moon, but it is not clear whether there is a connection between the priest's transformations and the phases of The earth's satellite. In addition, reincarnation can occur in the daytime. The transformation may not be complete, for example, only the main character's hands or eyes can change.

There is an antidote that can restore the person who turned into a dinosaur to its original appearance. According to the head of the Chinese Church, the secret of this antidote has been preserved since the time when there were many lizard-men. For some reason, the antidote does not work completely on the main character, his hands remain the paws of a dinosaur.