Fern Flower
Published on June 30, 2018

The Vampire

A vampire
The Movie DataBase
El vampiro
October 4, 1957
A pretty young Mexican girl returns to her hometown to make funeral arrangements for her beloved aunt, who has just died. Soon she begins to hear disturbing stories about the town being infested by vampires, and she eventually begins to suspect that her remaining aunt and the mysterious next-door neighbor may be involved.


The movie "Vampire" (Spanish: "El vampiro") is one of the outstanding examples of Mexican horror films of the 1950s. At that time, the era of horror films in Mexico was just beginning, and often they borrowed from European and American counterparts the theme of supernatural phenomena, complementing it with a stunning Gothic atmosphere.

The plot of the film tells the story of vampires in a Mexican town.

This is one of the first films showing the image of a vampire with elongated fangs, which later became a classic. The film offered the original Mexican version of the vampire legend, was very popular and had a great influence on the development of Mexican horror.

It's interesting

The film "The Vampire" (Spanish: "El vampiro", 1957) is one of the first films showing the image of a vampire with elongated fangs, which later became a classic.


Marta Gonzalez arrives at her ancestral home. No one comes to pick her up at the train station, and she and a random fellow traveler get to their destination on a cart delivering land in a box from Hungary to a certain Mr. Duval. All the way it seems to them that someone is watching them.

Upon arrival, they are met by Martha's aunt and notary, as well as servants who have known Martha since childhood. Aunt tells Martha that her other aunt was terribly afraid of vampires, went crazy on this basis and recently died. Martha and her companion go to their rooms to sleep and hear strange singing. A fellow traveler finds an old book about vampires and a certain Count De Lavoud, who was buried in these places as a vampire.

When Martha falls asleep, her supposedly deceased aunt comes to her room through a secret passage and puts a cross on her pillow. Later, the vampire Duval appears and tries to attack, but the cross prevents him from doing so. The attack becomes possible only after the cross falls from Martha's bed.

In the morning, Martha wants to go to her nursery, which no one has opened for many years, but sees her "dead" aunt there. The traveling companion turns out to be a doctor who was called by a notary to examine the aunt's mental state even before her death. He finds out that Mr. Duval is actually Count Carol De Lavoud, that he and Martha's aunt are vampires, and the "deceased" aunt is actually alive and has not been buried. Vampires try to poison Martha, as they poisoned her aunt, but the doctor understands that she can be saved. Martha's "deceased" aunt strangles her sister and drives a stake into Duval's heart. After the third cocks, their bodies rot before our eyes and turn into half-decomposed skeletons.

The Doctor confesses his love to Marta and they kiss on the platform while the train leaves the station.

A vampire

The film presents the classic vampires died a violent death, people who turned into half-dead creatures. They have elongated canines, is designed to penetrate the vein of the victims. They can disappear in one place and appear in another, to pass through walls and doors, turn into bats, to communicate with each other mentally (telepathically).

Vampires sleep in a coffin and are not reflected in the mirror. Earth from the cemetery where he was buried, gives the vampire forces. They are afraid of the sunlight, and heard the cry of a cock, eager to get back in the coffin.

A vampire can turn a human into their own kind, biting him twice. In order to kill a vampire you need to pierce his chest with a wooden stake. If to kill a vampire, die and those whom he has made vampires.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


The phenomenon of a poltergeist in the movie can explain the spontaneous movement of books about vampires and her fall from the shelf to the doctor. Another possible explanation of this episode in the story may be the action of "dead" aunt Martha, pushing the book out of the secret passage located behind a bookcase. The characters in the movie does not try to explain this event.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»