Fern Flower
Published on June 30, 2018

Unidentified Flying Objects: The True Story of Flying Saucers

The Movie DataBase
Unidentified Flying Objects: The True Story of Flying Saucers
May 3, 1956
Interviews and documentary footage combine with the fictional story of an air-force pilot who encounters aliens.


Unidentified Flying Saucers: The True Story of Flying Saucers is a 1956 semi-documentary American film about the UFO phenomenon.

The film tells about the investigation of Albert Chop (this character was based on a real-life journalist Tom Towers) of the origin of flying saucers. The film shows the very first real documentary footage of UFOs and interviews real witnesses. In later films and TV shows devoted to the UFO phenomenon, footage from this film was often used.

The history of the film is as follows:

In 1952, Hollywood producer Clarence Green saw an unusual object in the sky. He decided to report the surveillance and contacted the public relations officer of the US Air Force Albert M. Chop. The duties of this officer included answering questions from journalists and the public about UFOs. Intrigued by his experience, Green decided to make a documentary about the UFO phenomenon. When Chop told Green about the existence of the video footage, Green got the footage he needed to analyze and show in his documentary.

This is one of the first documentaries dedicated to UFOs in the USA. The nature of the narrative in the film is very similar to the style in which the books are written "Flying saucers are real" and "Flying Saucers from Outer Space" by Donald Keiho, as well as "What's behind the Flying Saucers" by Frank Scully.

For those who are interested in the history of the phenomenon, the film is recommended for mandatory viewing. The film is in the public domain and posted on YouTube.

It's interesting

In the film "Unidentified Flying Saucers: The True Story of Flying Saucers", 1956), the very first real documentary footage of UFOs is shown and real witnesses are interviewed.  In later films and TV shows devoted to the UFO phenomenon, footage from this film was often used.

The film "Unidentified flying saucers:  The True Story of Flying Saucers", 1956) one of the first documentaries dedicated to UFOs in the USA.


The film begins with a story about the first widely known UFO sightings in the United States in 1947, including the Kenneth Arnold sighting, the Mantell UFO incident and the Gorman chase. Then the picture tells about the development of the UFO phenomenon, which has become both a popular topic for discussion among the people and a serious problem for the US Air Force. The history of the project "Sign" ("Project Sign") – the first Air Force project dedicated to the problem of UFOs.

The film then focuses on Albert M. Chop and his involvement in the investigation of the UFO phenomenon. Chop was appointed Public Relations Officer of the United States Air Force at Wright-Patterson (Dayton, Ohio) in the late 1940s. One of his duties in this position is to answer numerous questions about UFO sightings and what the Air Force knows about them. Initially, he does not believe in UFOs, but as the events presented in the film develop, he gradually changes his views and comes to the conclusion that UFOs are unknown and possibly extraterrestrial aircraft.

By 1952, Chop moved to Washington, D.C., where he held the position of press representative in the project "Blue Book" ("Project Blue Book"). The film analyzes two famous UFO videos:

The film ends with a story about the famous UFO incident in Washington in 1952, in which Albert Chop plays a central role. The film shows the events in which Chop took part during the incident, and at the end of the film Chop declares his belief that UFOs are a "real" physical phenomenon of unknown origin.


The UFO in the film show little, except for two real entries, which is given a few seconds in the course of the narrative and a couple of minutes at the end. In this case, the record shows colored, despite the fact that the film is black and white.

The main time in the film dedicated to showcasing people who have seen UFOs, and their stories about these observations.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»