Fern Flower
Published on May 11, 2020

The Twilight Zone

TV Show1959
The evil eye, curses and corruption
The mystical fog
Anomalous zone
Extrasensory perception
The Movie DataBase
The Twilight Zone
October 2, 1959
A series of unrelated stories containing drama, psychological thriller, fantasy, science fiction, suspense, and/or horror, often concluding with a macabre or unexpected twist.


The Twilight Zone is an American television series that aired from October 2, 1959, to June 19, 1964. Each of the 156 episodes is a mix of fantasy, science fiction, drama, and horror.

Popular with both viewers and critics, this series opened up to many Americans the serious science fiction and abstract ideas that filled its episodes. The show has served as the basis for numerous literary works, from novelizations of individual episodes to collections of original stories edited by series Creator Rod Serling himself.

The evil eye, curses and corruption

In the tenth episode of the first season, the cursed is the captain of a German submarine that sank British ships with civilians during world war II, leaving them no chance of escape. Every night, he is again and again on Board the ship "Queen of Glasgow" and survives the attack of his own submarine, dying along with all the passengers.

In the twenty-ninth episode of the third season, a madman ruins the lives of ordinary people, whom he considers evil: Communists, terrorists, prostitutes, etc. He calls them at night and makes ridiculous accusations, addresses letters and calls to their places of work, etc. Trying to kill them all at once, he wants them to be no more than two feet tall. However, at the end of the episode, it turns out that the curse only worked on him.

The mystical fog

In the second episode of the third season referred to the mystical fog, which disappeared the plane, carrying out flight 107 from Buffalo. 20 years later, the man investigating the disappearance, sees the same plane landed without passengers, crew and baggage, which it is compared with "the Flying Dutchman". Once it becomes clear that each person sees the plane differently (tail number, color sensors, etc.), the investigator realizes that the aircraft is nothing short of an illusion. The next moment the plane disappears.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


In the seventh episode of the first season, a spaceship from Earth can be mistaken for a UFO, delivering cargo to distant asteroids.

In the fourteenth episode of the first season, an experimental spaceship of the inhabitants of a distant planet is shown. It has the shape of a classic flying saucer.

In the twenty-second episode of the first season, an alien spacecraft appears, having the appearance of a classic flying saucer. Shortly before that, residents of a nearby town observed bright flashes in the sky, which they took for a meteorite.

In the twenty-fifth episode of the first season, a spaceship of earthlings is shown flying towards Mars.

In the fifteenth episode of the second season, an alien flying saucer is shown landing on the roof of a farmhouse. Before landing, the mistress of the house heard a loud shrill sound. The spaceship turns out to be small, not reaching the height of the woman to the knee. Later it turns out that it belongs to the Earthlings.

In the twenty-fourth episode of the third season, a Kanamite alien spaceship is shown, which looks like a classic flying saucer.

In the sixth episode of the fourth season, an Earth-bound interplanetary spaceship appears, shaped like a classic flying saucer. When taking off, a flame bursts out from the center of the lower part of it.

In the sixteenth episode of the fourth season, the Earthlings ' spaceship 2021 is shown, shaped like a classic flying saucer. On a ship, a rescue expedition arrives on a distant planet in order to save the settlers from death.

In the thirty-fifth episode of the fifth season, a UFO with aliens on board descends to Earth. It lands at night and strongly illuminates the surrounding area. During the day, it turns out that the alien spacecraft has the traditional shape of a flying saucer and at the same time is very small (about 1.5 m in diameter), which is due to the small growth of the aliens themselves. When the ship takes off, a flame bursts out from the lower part of it.


In the twenty-ninth episode of the first season, a little girl can be mistaken for a ghost, sitting on the stairs near the apartment of teacher Helen Foley. A girl named Markie knows everything about the main character, including events from her distant past. She has the same burn scar as Helen, and she looks exactly like the main character at the age of ten. Except for Helen, the girl is not seen or heard, and the cocoa, which she drinks for some time, is untouched. It is later revealed that in the form of a little girl, Helen is her own repressed memory of the night her mother was killed.

In the thirty-second episode of the first season, a man is hit by a car, causing his soul to end up in purgatory. This place looks like an ordinary densely populated city, whose inhabitants go about their business, do not see or hear the main character. At the same time, he easily contacts the material world, for example, pours himself a drink in a bar (the bartender does not react to this in any way). Also, the main character is not reflected in the mirror, unlike the rest of the inhabitants of the city. Met there, the archangel Gabriel, the only one who sees and hears the main character, explains to him that the others do not see him, because unlike them, he has not yet died and can return to the world of the living.

In the twenty-second episode of the second season, the grandson speaks to his recently deceased grandmother on a toy phone that she gave him on the day of her death. The voice of the grandmother is not heard by anyone except the grandson. The grandmother calls the boy to her, he constantly gets into dangerous situations and eventually finds himself near death. The boy's father asks his grandmother to return him, and the boy comes to life.

The fourth episode of the third season shows the road along which the ghosts of people who died during the American Civil War move. On the side of the road are houses, some of which are haunted by the ghosts of women who died while waiting for their husbands from the war. Ghosts look and behave like living people: they retain injuries and injuries (severed limbs, lost vision, etc.) received at the time of death, they limp, feel thirsty and perform actions that they used to perform during life. They retain free will, can swear and even shoot at each other, but the shots have no effect. Not all ghosts are aware of their nature, but they all feel the urge to go further down the road.

In the fifth episode of the third season, the ghost of the pool champion appears at the call of a man who wants to defeat him. The ghost looks like a normal person, and even sweats when nervous. It turns out that the champion, after death, is forced to appear at the call of the contenders until one of them wins against him. The winner takes his place after death.

In the seventh episode of the third season, a shot killer before his death promises to return from the grave and meet his pursuer-a bounty hunter hired by the residents of the city (despite the fact that he did not kill him). The day after the funeral of the murderer, a hunter appears and goes to the grave at night to argue. In the morning, he is found dead. According to one version, he was killed by a ghost, according to another – fear.

In the ninth episode of the third season, the ghosts of prisoners in a German concentration camp drive their tormentor, who has escaped an international tribunal, to madness.

In the eighteenth episode of the third season, the spirit of a murdered gangster takes possession of a homeless tramp wearing his shoes. While the boots are on the homeless man's feet, the ghost is in his body and completely controls him, blocking the tramp's own identity.

In the nineteenth episode of the third season, the ghosts are an old man and his dog who drowned in a pond while hunting a raccoon at night. They wake up in the morning and go home, meeting people on the way who do not see or hear them. The appearance of ghosts is no different from their appearance in life.

In the twentieth episode of the third season, the ghost of a cowboy appears to an actor playing a sheriff in a low-cost Western, and sends him a vision of the real life cowboys of the past. The ghost represents the souls of all the bad guys that the sheriff defeats. He accuses the actor of being too soft for a cowboy, not knowing how to shoot and fight. The ghost stays with the actor to adjust the scripts and make him lose sometimes.

In the thirty-seventh episode of the third season, an elderly professor is visited by the ghosts of his heroically dead students to convince him that his life was not lived in vain. They gradually materialize in the classroom, their appearance corresponding to the age at which they last met the professor.

In the second episode of the fourth season, the ghosts of dead submariners appear to a sailor, the only one of the entire team to survive a shipwreck twenty years ago. They look wet and translucent, and only one person can see them. The ghosts call the surviving sailor to them with gestures, as they consider him guilty of his death.

In the sixth episode of the fourth season, the spirit of the captain of the crashed spaceship does not let go of the souls of his team members, not wanting to accept death and forcing them to experience the fall again and again. Souls sometimes break out of this loop, becoming invisible in the captain's reality and returning as ghosts to places where they were happy. There they meet other souls of previously deceased people.

In the seventh episode of the fourth season, the witch's ghost appears for a few seconds when her lover pierces the doll in her clothes with a silver pin and thus kills her.

In the eighteenth episode of the fourth season, the main character uses witchcraft to summon the ghost of first William Shakespeare, and then – prominent figures in US history. The ghosts look like they belong to the era they lived in. All of them are material, can interact with surrounding objects, and are visible to everyone. The ghosts realize that they have died and realize that they were called for a specific purpose. At the same time, the ghost decides when its task is completed and it can go back to oblivion.

In the first episode of the fifth season, a man on the verge of death meets his son, who is in critical condition at this moment, having been wounded in Vietnam. The son has the appearance of a ten-year-old boy, but understands that "his time has passed and it's time for him to leave." They have fun spending their last moments together at the amusement park they once loved to go to. The protagonist asks heaven to take his life in exchange for the child's life, and in the end his son survives.

In the twelfth episode of the fifth season, the main character, at the age of 76, believes that he will die when the clock given to him for his first birthday stops. When the clock stops, the old man's spirit leaves his body to travel to the other world. However, after that, the old man himself wakes up and refuses to voluntarily leave this world. The spirit looks like a translucent copy of the main character. They have a dialogue for a while. The spirit disappears after the old man claims that it is imaginary and does not really exist.

In the nineteenth episode of the fifth season, an elderly woman receives phone calls from her long-dead fiance. Such a connection with the ghost became possible after a telephone wire that broke as a result of a thunderstorm fell on his grave.

Anomalous zone

In the twenty-sixth episode of the fifth season, dawn does not come to a small town in the Midwest. Its inhabitants longed for the death of a convicted murderer, and their hatred provoked an abnormal area of darkness, limited to the vicinity of the town. The same anomalies are beginning to appear around the world in places where people show hatred and intolerance towards each other.

Extrasensory perception

In the twelfth episode of the first season, psychic abilities are demonstrated by a street vendor who can see the future and offers his customers exactly the items that can help them avoid trouble or make them happy.

In the nineteenth episode of the first season, an officer involved in military operations in the Philippines has the ability to determine the near death of his fellow soldiers. He knows it by the peculiar glow of their faces. Looking in the mirror, he can see this glow on his face.

In the sixteenth episode of the second season, a man gains the ability to read minds after a coin tossed by him lands on an edge. The effect passes after the coin drops.

In the seventeenth episode of the second season, a woman in the hospital constantly has a nightmare, the events in which occur in a certain sequence. At the end of the dream, she finds herself in front of the door of the morgue, located in room 22, from which the nurse comes out and says that there is another place there. After discharge, while at the airport, the heroine catches herself thinking that the events that are happening resemble a sequence from her dream. She takes a ticket for flight 22, but at the entrance to the plane meets a flight attendant with the appearance of a nurse from a dream, who tells her the same phrase. The heroine refuses to fly on this plane; immediately after takeoff, it explodes in the air.

In the twenty-fourth episode of the fifth season, a man sees the events of his past, present and future on TV. The visions begin after he insults the TV master and he does something with the device. Scenes from the life of the main character are shown on Channel ten, which did not work before. At the same time, his wife does not see the image and does not hear the sound from this channel.


In the thirty-second episode of the fifth season, a visiting conman tells the town's residents that he can raise the dead from the graves of their vast cemetery. He performs a fake ritual and declares that soon the dead will begin to return to their homes. The townspeople pay him to prevent this from happening, after which he leaves. It soon turns out that he really has the ability to resurrect the dead: the dead climb out of their graves and go towards the city. Zombies move slowly, while retaining their intelligence, the ability to speak, memories, their inherent desires and aspirations during life, and intend to return to the city and do their usual things. They are aware of themselves as the risen dead, remember the ritual and the person who conducted it.


In the twenty-second episode of the first season, poltergeist effects can be taken from the effects of aliens remotely controlling the electrical devices of earthlings. As a result of the actions of aliens in the entire area, the lights are turned off, cars do not start, electrical appliances do not work. After a while, the opposite happens: some of the cars start spontaneously, some houses light up, and the street lighting begins to flicker.

In the fourth episode of the second season, the main character is attacked by household appliances and mechanisms: a clock, a typewriter, a TV, an electric razor, a phone, a car. They try to drive him out of his own home, informing him of this intention by all available means. Objects move spontaneously and even fly, electrical appliances and the phone work without a network connection, the typewriter itself prints meaningful text, the girl on the TV screen addresses him by name. The attacks only happen when the main character is home alone, and it remains unclear whether all this is a figment of his imagination.

In the twenty-eighth episode of the second season, the results of the alien activity can be taken for the action of the poltergeist: the lights in the cafe blink, the music machine spontaneously turns on and off, phone calls are heard, sugar bowls explode. At the end of the episode, one of the aliens says that these are nothing more than illusions.

In the second episode of the fourth season, the manifestation of the poltergeist can be considered an unexpected appearance in the corridor of the ship wet algae, as well as a knock coming from a wrecked submarine 20 years ago.

In the seventh episode of the fourth season, the manifestation of a poltergeist can be mistaken for the spirit of a witch who, after the death of the physical body, has gained the ability to affect the material world while remaining invisible.

In the eighteenth episode of the fourth season, a magic book spontaneously falls from a bookstore shelf at the feet of a potential buyer. A little later on the bus, the same book jumps into the hands of the owner.

In the fourteenth episode of the fifth season, the main character begins to pursue poltergeist manifestations associated with his car, after he hits a teenager on it. The car's headlights suddenly start blinking, the horn goes off, and the radio turns on with a news broadcast about the incident. The car refuses to obey the driver when approaching the crime scene, and being left in the service center-independently returns to the garage. At the end of the series, the car chases its owner and takes him to the police for a guilty plea.

In the thirty-fifth episode of the fifth season, the police officer's car, which was standing on the handbrake, begins to move spontaneously and flips over. Later it turns out that this is the work of aliens who are trying to inspire the earthlings with horror of the unknown.


In the seventh episode of the fourth season, a girl drinks a love potion prepared by a sorceress. As a result, she loses her soul and turns into a leopard every night after midnight. When a local resident shoots a wild animal, the leopard turns into a cloud of smoke and disappears. The girl does not die and gains the ability to appear to people in other forms: a spider, a frog, a mouse.


In the fifth episode of the first season, the main character returns to his hometown and suddenly realizes that he has moved in time more than 20 years ago. He meets his old friends, his parents, and even himself. Trying to talk to his young double leads to a leg injury in the boy, which immediately manifests itself in the main character. The process of moving through time occurs imperceptibly, is not tied to any specific area and is not accompanied by any visual effects.

In the eleventh episode of the first season, three pilots of the experimental fighter-interceptor "X-20" Harington, Forbes and Garth make a flight into space. Four hours into the flight, they lose consciousness and come to their senses only a day later, after making an emergency landing in the Mojave Desert. Two of them escaped with scratches, and only Garth suffered a broken leg. Harrington and Forbes are the first to be released from the hospital. That same day at the bar, Harington suddenly feels that he must be somewhere else, and after a while disappears. His last words are to suggest that their miraculous escape is a mistake, and that someone (or something) who accidentally lets them go will take them back. All evidence that Harington ever existed disappears: his family and friends do not remember him, he is not listed in the documents, in the photos in the press, instead of the three pilots who escaped, there are two. The only one who remembers Harington's existence is his best friend and partner Forbes, but no one believes him. Twenty-four hours later, he returns to the hospital, where Garth is still staying, and tells him his story. Immediately after that, he begins to feel that he no longer belongs to this world, and disappears. A few minutes later, Garth disappears, too. An X-20 plane also disappears from a secret military hangar.

In the eighteenth episode of the first season, pilot William Terrence Dekker, a second lieutenant in the Royal Flying Corps of Great Britain, falls from March 5, 1917 to March 5, 1959, flying through a strange white cloud. Once inside this cloud, he could no longer hear the sounds of the fierce dogfight around him. In the future, he finds out that in 1917 he saved his partner, who came under fire from several German planes. To fulfill his destiny, Dekker returns to the past in the same way.

In the twenty-sixth episode of the first season, the scientist moves a killer named Joe Castle from 1880 to 1960. The move comes at a time when Castle is about to be hanged for his crimes. As a result of the movement, no traces remain on the body. Some time later, a criminal from 1960 named Paul Johnson is sent to the place of Castle in 1880 with the help of the same time machine. His body appears in the loop from which Castle disappeared shortly before.

In the thirty-third episode, the guardian angel turns back time so that his ward can relive the bad day.

In the tenth episode of the second season, a camera appears that can take photos of what will happen in this place in 5 minutes. The origin of the camera is unknown. Its body bears the inscription in French "Only 10 frames for each owner".

In the thirteenth episode of the second season, the main character finds himself on April 14, 1865, the day of the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. Moving back and forth in time occurs suddenly and is accompanied by a temporary loss of orientation and dizziness. The hero's clothing changes, and the new costume corresponds to the time in which he moved. He knows about the upcoming assassination attempt on the president, but is unable to prevent it. At the same time, smaller events change and even have consequences in the present. Returning to his own time, the hero discovers in his pocket an artifact from the past – the killer's handkerchief.

In the eighteenth episode of the second season, a Global Airlines jet (flight 33), flying from London to New York in 1961, is hit by a passing air current that accelerates it to the speed of sound. At the moment of overcoming the sound barrier, a light flash occurs and the plane, along with the crew and passengers, moves in time millions of years ago. The crew is reduced and sees the dinosaurs on the island of Manhattan. The captain decides to climb back into the air and once again break the sound barrier to return to his own time. The crew succeeds, but they end up in 1939. The series ends after the captain decides to repeat the time travel once again.The voice-over says that the plane is still missing.

In the twenty-third episode of the second season, the main character is transported from 1847 to 1961, walking through the desert in search of water and going behind a hill. He returns the same way, taking with him penicillin tablets for his son who has pneumonia. He saw the notes about his son in the encyclopedia and realized that the purpose of his journey into the future was to save the child. The gun, abandoned during the return in front of the locals and picked up by them a few minutes later, looks as if it had lain in the desert for a hundred years.

The thirteenth episode of the third season tells the story of time traveler Woodrow Mulligan from Harmony (New York), who goes from 1890 to 1960. He does this with the help of a "time helmet" created by local scientists and allows you to move to any year for exactly 30 minutes. To get back, you need to return to the point of movement and put the helmet on your head. If the traveler is holding someone in his hands while moving (whether it is a chicken or another person), then both move.

In the fifteenth episode of the third season, a young lieutenant in the US Army moves from August 06, 1945 to May 1942. He finds himself in the same area in the Philippines, but in the body of a Japanese man who is about to attack the defending American soldiers. The reasons for this and the reverse movement remain unknown. They occur at the moment when the lieutenant drops the binoculars.

In the thirty-fourth episode of the third season, a man returns to his late mother's house with a new wife. Starting to sort out old things, he starts the stopped clock. At this point, the time in the house is transferred to 25 years ago, and the elements of its furnishings gradually begin to change. At first, this is noticed only by the wife, who wants to sell the house and start her life; she manages to get out of the house and return to her own time. A man is happy to stay in the past. The house is completely transformed, his living mother appears, and he himself has turned into a little boy.

In the tenth episode of the fourth season, the main character with the help of a time machine moves into the past, trying to prevent the events that led to the death of a large number of people. He finds out that it is impossible to change the past, and in one of the cases he becomes the cause of these events.

In the fifteenth episode of the fourth season, a man comes to his home street for three days in a row and is transported to the same moment of his childhood. There he meets the boys who were once his friends.One of these boys brings a pocket watch lost on the street to his house three times, and is seen by the wife and guests of the main character. Following this boy to the same street, the woman sees her husband as a child, and a moment later he becomes a grown man again. The obsession ends after the main character realizes that memory is deceptive and retains only good memories, although in fact his childhood was far from joyful.

In the fourth episode of the fifth season, the main character is given a stopwatch that can stop time. Everything around him freezes until he presses the button again. It can move and interact with surrounding objects and people who can't see it.

In the tenth episode of the fifth season, three tankers on a training exercise fall from 1964 to 1876. They find themselves near the intersection of the Bighorn and Little Bighorn Rivers, where General Custer suffered a major defeat in a battle with the Indians and was himself killed. The main characters do not notice how they fall into the past. Suddenly, they begin to hear Indian drums, see smoke signals and teepees, and find an army canteen of the time. In fact, they follow the path of General Custer's troops. Returning to their camp, they are transported back to 1964, and the next day, going to the battle site, they are again in the past and do not return. Their names appear on a monument dedicated to the fallen soldiers of General Custer.

In the twenty-first episode of the fifth season, a woman at the age of 43, during a horse ride, accidentally falls into the past and meets her 18-year-old version. She tries to warn the girl not to make a mistake that will cost her happiness, but she does not recognize herself as an adult, gets scared and runs away. A woman from the future remembers this moment well and her fear of a creepy stranger, but continues to repeat unsuccessful attempts to change her past.

In the thirty-fourth episode of the fifth season, a famous artist comes to a remote village and meets a girl who sings a song whose lyrics predict his future. The girl behaves as if they have already met many times, but each time their meeting ended the same way-the death of the main character. This is confirmed by the tombstone with his name, which he passes at the very beginning of the series.