Fern Flower
Published on December 5, 2018

A Trip to the Moon

The Alien
The Movie DataBase
Le Voyage dans la Lune
April 17, 1902
Professor Barbenfouillis and five of his colleagues from the Academy of Astronomy travel to the Moon aboard a rocket propelled by a giant cannon. Once on the lunar surface, the bold explorers face the many perils hidden in the caves of the mysterious planet.


"Journey to the Moon" (Le Voyage dans la Lune) is the first science fiction film in the history of cinema. It was directed by Georges Méliès. This is a silent short farcical comedy parodying the plots of the novels by Jules Verne "From a Cannon to the Moon" and H. G. Wells "The First People on the Moon". This is probably the first film showing the inhabitants of another planet and space travel.

There were several versions of the film: black-and-white and color, hand-painted frame-by-frame by a lot of workers. It is believed that the color version was painted before 1906, presumably in the laboratory of Elizabeth Tuillier.

Now the film is freely available and is considered a masterpiece of world cinema.

The film lasts 14 minutes.

It's interesting

"Journey to the Moon" (Le Voyage dans la Lune, 1902) is the first science fiction film in the history of cinema


Professor Bardenfoy is making a report at the Academy about the possibility of a flight to the moon. After heated discussions, it was decided to send an expedition to the moon, for which a spacecraft is being built in the form of a hollow projectile, which is launched into space by a shot from a huge cannon.

The projectile reaches the Moon (depicted with a human face), hitting her right in the eye. Academics go to the surface of the Moon, admire the view of the Earth and go to bed. In the morning they go to explore the cave they found, where they meet jumping "Selenites", anthropomorphic inhabitants of the Moon.

Selenites attack earthlings, but they explode from strong blows with an umbrella. Nevertheless, the Selenite army manages to capture the scientists. They are brought to the king of the Selenites, whom the academics also blow up and, pursued by a large army, hurriedly head to the rocket to return to Earth. They get into the projectile, after which the last academician pushes the projectile from the edge of the Moon and jumps after himself.

The projectile falls into the ocean and swims safely to the harbor. Arriving travelers are greeted with honor by compatriots.


For UFOs in this film, it is possible to take a spaceship of earthlings. It looks like a huge hollow iron bullet launched out of a cannon to the moon.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

The Alien

Real aliens in the movie are the earthlings arrived on the moon.

The inhabitants of the moon (or pressed) in the film are anthropomorphic, but with movable limbs. They can take different poses and move more like apes than like humans. They dressed in costumes similar to the combination image, devil and skeleton, armed with spears. Upon impact, they turn into a cloud of smoke.

To people they are very hostile.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»