Fern Flower
Published on October 14, 2019


The Alien
David Samoilov


Fyodor (Feodor) Kuzmich (Kozmich) Tomsky (1776/1777 - January 20 (February 1) 1864, Tomsk) was an elder who lived in Siberia in the XIX century. According to one of the legends that arose in the middle of the XIX century (during the life of the elder), he is considered to be the Russian emperor Alexander I, who faked his death and became a wanderer.

Shortly before his death, Theodore, with the words "My secret is in it," pointed to a bag hanging over the elder's bed. After the death of the elder, the bag was opened, two notes were found in it - narrow paper ribbons written on both sides.

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D. S. Samoilov, intrigued by the word "Strufian" mentioned in Feodor Kuzmich's note, wrote the poem "Strufian (An Unreliable Story)" in 1974, in which the legend of the emperor's disappearance is reinterpreted from absolutely fantastic positions (the emperor is abducted by a UFO here), while Fyodor Kuzmich, a religious searchlight, is not identified with Alexander I.

It's interesting

Elder Fyodor Kuzmich Tomsky (1776/1777 – January 20 (February 1) 1864, Tomsk) according to one of the legends that arose in the middle of the XIX century (during the elder's lifetime), it is considered that the Russian emperor Alexander I, who faked his death and became a wanderer, left after his death narrow paper ribbons written on both sides, which he called his secret. D.S. Samoilov, intrigued by the word mentioned in the note of Feodor Kuzmich "strufian", in 1974 wrote the poem "Strufian (An Unreliable story)", in which the emperor is abducted by a UFO.


The author describes the alien ship like a bright star, which then descends in the form of translucent glowing tapered disk with long legs:

In the sky shines a star...

When I heard a Bang
And suddenly poured the light of heaven.
Was strange and sudden
A greenish light. It
Bias like a heart, exudes
Unknown creature,
Or rather the substance,
Which at that moment fell
With a soft sound, like 'groin!',
Reminiscent of the hood
Or, more precisely, the hemisphere,
Slightly flattened on the sides,
Produced the rustling,
Like light drafts...
It was held on the rays
As if a thousand resnici.
In this light then flashed, then chakh,
And the sound resembles 'groin!',
Was a scary and unusual.
And in that translucent body
He had seen in forty steps
As a miracle, flaring up,
Suddenly rose on two legs
And stood, like the bird ostrich.
And then Fedor fell into the fog,
Whispering: 'Winged stroyan...'

A unidentified object
Flew himself among comets.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

The Alien

Aliens in the poem are described as scary creatures with small horns:

And in that translucent body
Freaks strange sat
How could then swear Fedor,
In the minds of those freaks
Small horns protruded

It is these creatures and kidnap the king. Their goals, the author does not specify.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»