Fern Flower
Published on August 4, 2019

The Spirit Is Willing

Extrasensory perception
The Movie DataBase
The Spirit Is Willing
July 7, 1967
When Ben and Kate Powell rent a haunted New England house by the sea, their son Steve gets blamed for the destruction caused by three unruly ghosts.


"Spirit wants" (orig. "The Spirit Is Willing") is an American Comedy horror film, 1967, photographed by William Castle and based on the book "the Visitors" (1964) by American writer Nathaniel Benchley,. This is a very exciting and dynamic film, telling about how the world of the dead affects the living world.

This is a good story, which, despite the Comedy, actually pretty spot-on details associated with ghosts and poltergeists.

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Many years ago, his wealthy owner of an old English manor by the sea in New England decides to marry his very beautiful daughter felicity for valiant captain miles, the Manager of one of his ships. The captain agrees only after the bride's father offers him as a dowry all his property, together with the ships. However, in the first wedding night the young husband goes to bed not to his new wife and her pretty maid Jenny. Jilted bride kills her husband and his mistress, but she dies at the hands of miles. All three of them become ghosts and are in a constant quarrel because of the manifestations of which the estate gained a reputation as a rough place and often changes owners.

In our days, this haunted house shoot the couple Ben and Kate Powell with his son Steve, who is not very happy with the trip. In the house begin to happen strange events: open doors, Cutlery. Steve sees ghosts, destroying the antique furniture, and tells his parents about it. They do not believe in poltergeist and accused of creating the mess my son.

A visit to Powells on the boat comes uncle George, who invites Steve over to show him the Deluxe and "only correct" the idle life of the rich. The ghosts come after them on the boat and flood it because of the ghostly captain miles dreams of his own ship. In the sinking of the yacht also accused Steve, who nearly goes insane from the fact that he sees ghosts.

Steve meets a local girl Priscilla, a distant relative of the ghostly maidservant Jenny. She says that may come in contact with the spirits. The girl negotiates with the ghosts that they will cease to disturb the family, if the boy invites felicity to a celebration and give her gifts.

The father of the family, Ben begins to believe in the story of a boy about ghosts and is sent to the library for books. There he communicates with the cute librarian, Carol, and Kate begins to suspect him of treason.

Steve fulfills all the conditions of the contract with felicity. The Ghost of the former defrauded of the bride at the ceremony on the occasion of the sixteenth boy falls in love with his uncle George. The same, not noticing that she was ugly (and also the fact that she's a Ghost), forget about everything that interested him before, and says her full reciprocity. The Ghost of felicity pushes George off a cliff, and then the lovers decide to go on a honeymoon. Spirits of captain miles and Jenny also go on a journey on the Ghost boat. Ghosts no longer bother the living, and the parents of Steve from this story learn to trust his son.

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Ghosts are the souls of murdered people: the mistress of the house felicity, her fiance, Ebenezer and his mistress Jane. All three spirits remain in the house, because their desires are not satisfied: Ebenezer dreams of his own ship, felicity yearns for love, and Jane male attention. However, the habitat of the ghosts is not limited to the house: they quietly moved through the town, appearing in the cemetery, on the Gulf coast and even on the boat.

Ghosts may be the disembodied form (to be completely invisible), and translucent or even fully material form. They look the same as before death, with no signs of wounds on them. The appearance of a Ghost is accompanied by felicity smoke red. Also in the form of smoke, she can move around the house. People can see ghosts and feel the cold in their presence.

Ghosts didn't have any difficulties when interacting with the material world. They are easy to pick up things, open doors, eat, face people with ladders, cliffs and out of Windows. Jane in material form manages to have sex with at least two men.

The ghosts are silent. During the film, none of them says a word, despite the fact that they actively interact with each other and with other characters.

The ghosts find peace and leave the house only after their desires are satisfied: felicity finds love in the person of the Ghost of uncle George, Ebenezer became the owner of a Ghost yacht, and Jane, apparently, realizes that he loves the dead captain.

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Extrasensory perception

Ability to communicate with ghosts has Priscilla – a local girl that is a distant relative of Jane. To contact her you need to "tune in", having a special ritual, including throwing daisies in the cemetery. While Priscilla's acting like he receives from the ghosts voice (to the audience they are not voicing).

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Poltergeist caused by the actions of ghosts and presented spontaneously opening doors, and the flying and crashing objects.

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As ectoplasm is probably red smoke that accompanies the appearance of one of the ghosts. Why the rest of the ghosts appear without such effects, the film is not explained.

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