Fern Flower
Published on June 4, 2021

Son of Frankenstein

The Movie DataBase
Son of Frankenstein
January 13, 1939
One of the sons of late Dr. Henry Frankenstein finds his father's ghoulish creation in a coma and revives him, only to find out the monster is controlled by Ygor who is bent on revenge.


"Son of Frankenstein "(English:" Son of Frankenstein") is a 1939 American film, part of the classic series of horror films by Universal studios. This is the third film about the Frankenstein monster, before the films "Frankenstein" (1931) and "Bride of Frankenstein" (1935) were released.


About 20 years after the death of his father, Baron Frankenstein returns from Western Europe to the ancestral castle. According to the will of the late Frankenstein, all residents of the city must meet his son at the train station and give him the documents for the house and his father's scientific records. Residents of the city do so: they meet him, but they show a cold indifference and dislike for the new baron. Inspector Krog warns him that the residents hate the entire Frankenstein family because of the murders committed by his father's creation. The inspector says that six villagers recently died in suspicious circumstances from a broken heart, and that the residents also blame the deaths on the monster Frankenstein, who has not been seen for a long time.

In a dilapidated laboratory near the castle, the baron meets the hunchback Igor. He was hanged a few years ago, but for some unknown reason did not die and now lives with a broken neck, and everyone in the city is afraid of him, because they think that he is a living dead man. Igor goes down with the baron to the basement of the laboratory and shows him that where his grandfather and father are buried, a sick monster lies unconscious. Igor persuades Baron Frankenstein to revive the monster. The Baron learns that the monster killed the people who sentenced Igor. The monster always listens to Igor, because he considers him his only friend. He orders the monster to kill the last two people out of the eight who participated in his hanging. The monster kills them, and the village begins to panic: the residents believe that the monster killed the people, and the crowd goes to Frankenstein's castle. Police officers hold back the crowd at the gate to the castle, and Inspector Krog goes inside and tries to find out if the monster really killed two people. The baron's son tells the inspector that a "giant" came to his room at night and gave him a watch.

The inspector finds out that the watch belongs to the valet of Baron Frankenstein, who is also found dead. Krog hints to the baron that he can give him and his family to the crowd if he does not tell where the monster is now. The Baron runs to the laboratory, where he is attacked by Igor, and the Baron kills him. Some time after that, the hunchback's corpse is found by a monster. Through a secret tunnel, he enters the room of the baron's son and takes him with him to the laboratory. The Baron and the inspector also go there. While the inspector shoots the monster, the baron pushes the monster into a swamp with sulfur, in which the monster dies. The baron and his entire family leave the village and leave their castle to its inhabitants, who warmly say goodbye to them at the train station.


The appearance of the Frankenstein monster has not changed since the previous films. He still represents the living dead, whose body consists of parts of the bodies of different deceased people. Interestingly, in this film, the monster's enormous size is explained by an enlarged pituitary gland, which makes no sense given the history of its body.

The monster also acquires new qualities. It turns out that Dr. Frankenstein, when creating his monster, used not only the power of lightning, but also the energy of "cosmic rays of the ultraviolet spectrum", which are "the primary source of life itself". This led to the fact that the monster is not an earthly being: it is immortal (in the decades that have passed since the completion of the previous film, the monster has not aged, and even two long-received bullets in the heart did not lead to its death), its physiological parameters are superior to human ones (the heart beats at a speed of 250 beats per minute, the pressure is 300/220, the blood is completely different from human and has a "polymorphic cell structure", and the cells of its body seem to be at war with each other and live independently).

The monster is not very intelligent (he did not say a word during the entire film), but it has a mind. He recognizes himself in the mirror (and even suffers from the sight of his ugly body), understands the words addressed to him, and is even able to perceive, remember and implement a rather complex plan to kill several people. At the same time, the monster itself does not have an evil nature, tries to make friends with the grandson of Frankenstein and suffers from the realization of the death of a person whom he considered a friend.