Fern Flower
Published on September 29, 2018

Silver Bullet

The Movie DataBase
Silver Bullet
October 10, 1985
The small city of Tarker's Mill is startled by a series of sadistic murders. The population fears that this is the work of a maniac. During a search a mysterious, hairy creature is observed. This strange appearance is noticed once a month. People lock themselves up at night, but there's one boy who's still outside, he's preparing the barbecue.


"Silver bullet" (orig. "Silver Bullet") is an American mystical horror film, a screen adaptation of the works of Stephen king "Cycle of the werewolf".

This film was very popular after the release and had a significant impact on ideas about the werewolves of children and adolescents of the time.

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The story begins with the story of the young Jane koslow, sisters Marty Coslaw, whose family was involved in the events of the film. In a small town where the family lives of koslow, killed a railroad worker, whose death is blamed on the accident. Shortly afterwards killed a young pregnant woman who was going to commit suicide. Then he killed milt Starmuller, despite the fact that he was armed. His family leaves town. Then in the evening her best friend Marty, who lingered in the Park, playing with a kite.

After the child's death, local residents take up arms and go hunting for the beast. The Sheriff tries to dissuade them, but unsuccessfully. The local priest, the Reverend Lester Lowe, intervenes in the ensuing fight and asks him not to prevent bloodshed, but no one is listening. The hunters are ambushed, some of them killed, others fled in terror. The survivors deny what they saw. In the night after a hunt, Reverend Lowe has a dream in which he gave a sermon about tolerance, but suddenly his congregation begins to turn into wolves, even that part that was dead, and pounces on him. He wakes up in terror and prays that it all ended.

The result of recent developments, it is the introduction of a curfew, and all events held at night, is cancelled. On a party arranged by the family of kaslo, comes uncle Marty, red. Uncle gives Marty a gift – a wheelchair with an engine, which he calls "the Silver bullet", and a bunch of fireworks. Marty gets out of the house late at night, goes to a small bridge nearby and starts the fireworks. On the bridge the boy is attacked by a werewolf, which he hurt by fireworks in the eye.

In the morning, Marty tells all to Jane and asks for help to find a man with a trauma of the left eye. Jane looking for a man under the pretext of collecting bottles and finds Reverend Lowe. Marty, realizing that in this story no one would believe, sent several anonymous letters Lowe, in which he proposed to him to commit suicide. Lowe begins to hunt for Marty and drives him into the corner on the bridge, where he tries to justify his murders. At this time, a local farmer pulls up and unwittingly saves Marty's life.

Marty and Jane tell uncle red about that they wrote a letter to the monk. Im struggling to convince his uncle that a monk tried to kill Marty. Uncle red examines, comparing damage and the paint on the stroller Marty and the car low, and then goes to the Sheriff and convinces him to verify the available information and an alibi Reverend Lowe at the time of the murders, residents of the town. Sheriff Haller finds evidence against Lowe in his garage, including a bloody bat and pieces of hair. But soon there comes a low and turned into a werewolf, bat, beating the Sheriff to death.

Martin and Jane convince uncle red to take their silver trinkets (the cross and the medallion) and distill it for the silver bullet. For this, he goes to the old man who sells assorted household goods, but once worked as a gunsmith. He makes for em. To leave the house the sister and brother-in-law, red arranges for them to win a trip to new York for two, and he stays with the children in the house to wait for Reverend Lowe. Middle of the night in the window appears a werewolf and scares Jane, but uncle sees no one. He begins to doubt in this story and sends Marty and Jane to bed. Meanwhile, the werewolf breaks the electrical panel and deprives the house of light. The werewolf breaks through the wall, enters the house, throwing the red and flings it from side to side. Marty manages to get the bullet and shoot the werewolf in the other eye from a revolver. Killed the werewolf turns back into Reverend Lowe.

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The werewolf in this film is only one shepherd of the local Church Reverend Lowe. How he became a werewolf, is unknown, it is unknown why he suddenly started to attack residents of the town. Unlike the classic werewolf, he may apply not only during a full moon, but on any other night. During the full moon, his animal essence is particularly strong, and the shepherd can not control their behavior.

The werewolf looks like a man with a dog's head is completely covered with hair. He possesses great physical strength, and damage that would have killed or severely injured people, do not cause him significant harm.

To kill a werewolf can only be silver in the film, this use of a silver bullet. After his death, he regains the human form.

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