Fern Flower
Published on October 9, 2019


TV Show Episode1993
The Alien
The Movie DataBase
November 5, 1993
In the claustrophobic isolation of a remote outpost in Alaska, Mulder and Scully investigate the horrifying deaths of scientists.


"Ice" ("Ice") is the eighth episode of the first season of the TV series "Secret materials". The episode belongs to the category of "monster of the week" and not directly related to the so-called "mythology" of the series.

The plot of an episode of the writers was inspired by the novel of John Campbell's "Who goes there?" (1938) and his on-screen interpretations, "Something from another world" (1951) and "the thing" (1982). According to the writer Lincoln Geraghty, the plot of the episode "is preceded by a conspiracy theory about aliens which became more pronounced in the second season."

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On the destroyed science base in the North of Alaska bloodied man with a gun in his hand, Richter, with difficulty transmits the video message, repeating to the camera, "We are not who we are. But then it will not go away. It stops right here, right now." At the time of transfer he is attacked by another man Campbell. After a short and brutal fight, the opponents are pointing at each other weapons, but then both commit suicide.

Mulder and Scully are viewing a video made by a group of geophysicists working on the project "Arctic ice" – a scientific expedition organized by the government of the United States. Their mission was the extraction of samples of deep ice, which formed since the dawn of man, and the group happily reports success. In subsequent broadcasts, Dating back to a week later, the agents see the last video of Richter and sent to investigate the case. With them to the station, fly a geologist Danny Murphy, doctor Hodge and toxicologist Nancy da Silva. The pilot of the aircraft, nicknamed Bear, a man with a stubborn and violent character immediately lets everyone know that the orders he will not listen.

At the station, the group finds the corpses of the scientists who participated in the previous expedition, the causes of death of which cannot be established. Suddenly Mulder from the darkness attacking the dog. Bear is trying to help Mulder, and the dog bites his hand. Hodge sticks the dog a sleeping pill. During the examination on the dog's body find black inflamed lymph nodes, but under the skin the researchers notice the creeping body like a worm. Bear, bandaging himself in the bathroom under the mouse detects the same inflamed lymph nodes of a dog.

The autopsy conducted by Scully, show that scientists from the previous expedition, with the exception of two suicides, killing each other. Analysis of ice samples suggests that the researchers raised the remains of the meteorite collided with the Earth thousands of years ago. Contact with samples of ancient ice, scientists were subjected to contamination of an extraterrestrial body, which had previously been frozen. Hodge and da Silva want to depart from the base, but Mulder and Scully insist that first you must make sure that none of their group was not infected. In response to the request for tests Bear smashes a glass jar over the head of Mulder. In the ensuing fight a Bear bundles, and Hodge sees on his neck crawling under the skin of the parasite. Prooperirovat Bear on the place, Hodge removes the worm, but the pilot dies from the poison of the parasite. External inspection of other group members shows that none of them are infected, but Mulder reminds Scully that the dog had black spots quickly disappeared.

Scientists suggest that the worm sticks to the hypothalamus and makes your media to highlight the hormone, causing aggressive behavior, which led a team of geophysicists to self-destruction. The nervousness and distrust are growing within the group, besides due to the sudden storm disrupted radio contact with the outside world, and cannot fly. The night Mulder heard the door knock, finds Murphy with his throat cut in the fridge to store geological rocks. Mulder aggressively accuses his escape to the noise of colleagues, but suspicion falls on him, resulting in the agent locked in the closet. In the experiment, Nancy da Silva accidentally mixes up two different samples of infected blood. To the surprise of the members of the expedition caught in the same environment parasites kill each other. Scientists re-infect the worm a dog that was bitten by a Bear, and it quickly comes back to normal.

Mulder convinces Scully that he is not infected. Surveying each other, they make sure both are healthy. When they come out, da Silva and Hodge attack them close Scully in the closet and are going to put the last living worm in Mulder's ear, as Hodge is convinced that the agent is already infected. But at this point, Hodge sees the worm under the skin da Silva. After a short battle she instill a parasite, and she calms down. Survivors evacuated from the station. Mulder announces his intention to return to base for conducting experiments, but Hodge tells him that the military and Center for disease control has burned the whole station to the ground.

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The Alien

In the episode shown the parasite, presumably with alien origin, and fall to Earth along with the meteorite. He lay in the Arctic ice of Alaska's more than 200 thousand years, yet scientists have not removed it.

In its original form it is a single-celled larva, form which looks like a tadpole. Once in the body of a human or dog, the larvae very quickly (within hours) grows to a worm is a parasite with a size of about 5 cm, which moves under the skin and aims to reach the hypothalamus. The worm feeds on hormones, causing the media attacks of aggressive behavior.

The first signs of infection are a rash of black color in the neck or armpits, which after some time disappear without a trace. When you try a mechanical extraction of the parasite from the host organism it secretes poison that can quickly kill a person.

To destroy the parasite by the host organism of another worm. The struggle for media leads to the mutual destruction of parasites, after which they exit the body with feces.

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