Fern Flower
Published on September 25, 2019


TV Show Episode1993
The Movie DataBase
October 22, 1993
Mulder and Scully investigate the deaths of two men believed to have been killed by a powerful psychokinetic force.


"Shadow" (orig. "Shadows") – the sixth episode of the first season of the series "Secret materials".

In this episode, FBI agents Mulder and Scully are investigating two deaths, which, according to Mulder called psychokinetic power of unknown origin. During the investigation, agents face the young woman, which is always accompanied by the Ghost of her dead boss. With their help, the agents reveal the criminal activities of companies involved in selling arms to middle Eastern radical group. The episode belongs to the type of "monster of the week" and not the "mythology".

Co-writer Glen Morgan claimed that he was inspired by the movie "Something" in the episode is an allusion to the movie "Poltergeist".

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


A young employee of the company HTG Industrial Technologies named Lauren Kite in the evening withdraws money from the ATM. Suddenly she is attacked by two men and taken away in an unknown direction. After a few hours the corpses of the attackers detect passers-by.

Employees of secret government agencies attract Mulder and Scully to inspect the bodies of the attackers on the Kite men. The broken bodies of the cervical vertebrae, but there are no signs of stress on the skin. As caused their employees to keep silent, Mulder pretends that they never encountered similar cases in the x-files, but stealthily removes fingerprints from cadavers using their points. In conversation with Scully, he said that the cause of death can be the effects of psychokinetic powers.

The prints, the agents determined that both victims belonged to the Islamic terrorist group "Isfahan". Video surveillance, ATM, located near the place where were found the bodies, the agents find a record of assault and out on Lauren Kite.

During interrogation, Kite tells the agents that she was attacked, but she didn't want to report it to the police as escaped unharmed. Mulder and Scully realize that she's hiding something, but are forced to leave with nothing. When they get in the car to leave, their car goes out of control, develop greater speed and at full speed crashed into another car. Inspection of the car in the garage shows that he is in order, cause uncontrolled movement can not be established. Car headlights glow even when off the battery, which can be caused by a powerful electric charge.

Mulder began surveillance of the house Lauren. After processing in one of the photos in the house, Lauren was seen with her former boss and lover – Howard graves, who was believed to have slit his wrists a few weeks earlier. Night Lauren wakes up from the noise, and going into the bathroom, sees from the air into the water is blood, then as the voice of Howard begs for his life. Kite realizes that Howard killed his business partner Dorland, now the Director of HTG. He was engaged in the illegal sale of weapons technology to "Isfahan" and the graves were required to end the relationship.

At work the Kite is in conflict with Dorenda and tells him he knows about the murder of Howard. Before leaving work she calls Mulder and asks him to come to her home, but first come an assassin dorland's. Ghost graves kills criminals. Kite in the interrogation reveals what happened, and also about the murder of graves, and agrees to help the agents in the case against the dorland's.

The Federal Agency hold a joint search in the HTG office, hoping to find the documents showing the illegal sales of weapons technology. The search is fruitless, but after Dorland jumps on the Kite, Ghost graves with a letter opener reveals the Wallpaper on the wall, revealing a hidden there a floppy disk in which, presumably, dorland's contains incriminating information. Lauren is leaving to another state, and realizes that the Ghost of graves, it seems, went along with it.

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The Ghost is getting restless Ghost of Howard graves, guarding Lauren from possible attacks. Almost the whole episode it is not visible, it is possible to observe only the results of its activities in the form of a poltergeist. In this case, the photos and videos the Ghost is fixed.

To the naked eye the Ghost is seen only once during the attack on Lauren at her house. It looks like a transparent haze in the night air.

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The poltergeist phenomenon causes the dead Ghost of Howard graves, who protects Lauren Kite. Every poltergeist manifestation is accompanied by bursts of electromagnetic energy: lamps explode, the car headlights lit without the battery. The bodies of the dead poltergeist the people remain warm, and their muscles are spontaneously reduced for at least six hours after death.

Poltergeist easily interact with objects of the material world: lifts and moves objects (with no apparent limits to their size: knives, tables, chairs, people), causes injury to people (hit the face, break the inside of the larynx), causes a car accident.

One of the manifestations of the poltergeist is the demonstration of Lauren scene of his own murder. She hears voices and other sounds and sees the blood flowing in the tub out of nowhere.

The actions of the poltergeist are quite reasonable and aimed at achieving a particular goal. However, he may change this objective in response to a request from Lauren: in the beginning, he sought only to protect her, then at her request he spared his killer and helps to expose it.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»