Fern Flower
Published on September 18, 2019

The Jersey Devil

TV Show Episode1993
The Movie DataBase
The Jersey Devil
October 8, 1993
Mulder and Scully track a legendary creature that has roamed the New Jersey countryside for over forty years.


"The Devil from Jersey" (orig. "The Jersey Devil") is the fifth episode of the first season of The X-Files series.

In this episode, Mulder and Scully are chasing a legendary creature that has been living in the vicinity of New Jersey for more than 40 years. The episode belongs to the "monster of the week" type.

The episode's director wanted to show a creature similar to a snowman, but felt that it was better to present to the viewer not a "typical furry creature similar to a Bigfoot", but a kind of "intermediate link" between a Bigfoot and a person.

In the urban legends of the USA there is a story about the Devil from Jersey, but his description and behavior has nothing to do with the creature shown in this episode.

It's interesting

In the fifth episode of the first season of the series "The X-Files" ("The Devil from Jersey" (orig.  "The Jersey Devil")) Mulder and Scully are chasing a legendary creature that has been living in the vicinity of New Jersey for more than 40 years (there is a story about the Devil from Jersey in the urban legends of the USA), but his description and behavior has nothing to do with the creature shown in this episode. It is more like a snowman, or even a kind of "intermediate link" between a Bigfoot and a person.



In 1947, a family is driving along the highway late in the evening when a tire breaks through their car. The father of the family goes to change the wheel, but suddenly someone drags him into the forest. The next day, a raid of policemen and local residents finds human bones and remains of a body in the forest, and a little later – a cave in which someone is hiding. The inhabitant of the cave is shot with guns without going inside.

In 1993, Scully comes to work and tells Mulder about the recent murder of Roger Crockett, a homeless man who was attacked and chewed off his hand in a wooded area in the suburbs of Atlantic City. Mulder believes that the death is related to the 1947 incident, and agents are sent to New Jersey.

At the Atlantic City morgue, Mulder and Scully meet with a hostile detective Thomson from the local police department, who demands that agents do not interfere with the investigation. Scully goes to Washington for her godson's birthday, where she meets Rob, the lonely attractive father of one of the invited boys. Mulder stays in New Jersey and interviews the forest ranger Bulle, who discovered Crockett's body and once saw a Neanderthal-like man in the woods. After the conversation, the agent goes on foot to the outskirts of Atlantic City, where homeless people live. At this time, someone is watching him from the thicket. On the outskirts of town, Mulder learns from a homeless man named Jack, who knew the victim, that the killer was the "Devil from Jersey" – a humanoid creature that wanders in the suburbs of Atlantic City. According to the tramp, the police are hiding information about the creature. Mulder gives the homeless man the keys to his motel room, and he stays in his place. At night, the creature makes a sortie into the city. Rummaging through the trash can in search of food, it senses Mulder and quickly runs off into the woods before he has time to see him well. The police arrest Mulder, mistaking him for a tramp.

At the police station, Mulder meets Thomson again and accuses him of unwillingness to admit the existence of the "Devil from Jersey" in order not to disrupt the tourist business in Atlantic City. In response, he threatens Mulder with problems with his superiors. On Monday, Scully rescues Mulder from the police station. They head together to the University of Maryland, where Dr. Roger Diamond confirms Mulder's theory that a person, under certain conditions, can return to the most primitive animal instincts of a carnivorous Neanderthal. Scully goes to Washington on a date with Rob.

Huntsman Bulle finds another body in the forest. But this time it is the corpse of a long-dead wild man. Mulder suggests that there may have been two such creatures, and calls Scully. Mulder claims that the second creature will be female. Together with Bulle and Diamond, they comb the abandoned building near which Mulder saw the creature. The police are also trying to capture a forest dweller. Suddenly, the creature attacks Mulder, injures him and runs away into the forest. The cops chase the creature and kill it, despite Mulder's protests. The results of the examination and autopsy of the corpse show that the creature was female and had recently given birth. Mulder believes that it came to the city in search of food for its cub after the male died.

Somewhere in the forest, the creature's child looks out from behind the rocks, curiously watching the father and son traveling through the forest.


Yeti in the classic sense in the episode are not shown. Instead, we demonstrate the feral people (which is one of the versions explaining this phenomenon). Outwardly they do not differ from modern humans did not wear clothes, not wash and do not comb your hair. They show the rudiments of intelligence, at least try to make a primitive weapon made of sharpened bones. They feed on small animals, tearing their flesh with their teeth. They also killed and partially ate at least one person.

The speech in the episode is about a whole family of feral people: man, woman, and at least one child. The male died a few months before the events described. In search of food the woman goes to the city, where catches the eye of local residents. We can not demonstrate its aggressiveness, show only as she delves into the garbage. Even the attack on agent Mulder ends with only minor injuries.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»