Fern Flower
Published on February 5, 2020


TV Show Episode1994
The Movie DataBase
May 6, 1994
Mulder and Scully investigate the death of a scientist working on advanced propulsion technology. The mentally challenged janitor Roland, who has secretly been completing the scientist's work, is the prime suspect.


"Roland" (orig. "Roland") was the twenty – third episode of the first season of the TV series "Secret materials", which belongs to the category of "monster of the week" and is not associated with the main "mythology" of the series.

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At the Washington technological Institute. Alfred Mahan in Coulson (WA) mentally handicapped janitor Roland fuller is doing reprimand research scientist Dr. Keats for the fact that he forgot how to use key card to lock the lab. Kitts rushing to his colleagues, Nollette and Surnow involved in a heated discussion. Scientists argue about their research project – a prototype of a jet engine. Nollett wants to start testing of the engine, and Surnow not want to risk and ruin the prototype. Kitts and Nollett go evil, and Surnow left to continue his mathematical calculations. It comes in a wind tunnel to do some clarification. At this time in the control room is Roland: it includes a turbine, which sucks Surnow, and he dies.

FBI special agents Mulder and Scully come to investigate the death of a scientist. Scully notes that another member of the study group died a few months earlier, and, most of all, this case concerns industrial espionage. Mulder inspects the Board and comes to the conclusion that they were made at least two people. This leads him to the suspicion that the murder scene also Roland was attended by someone else. Kitts and Nollett inform the agents that the room at the time of death Surnow had only Roland fuller, but I doubt that he's capable of murder.

However, Mulder and Scully visit the orphanage where Roland lives, and find it attaching the stickers to the sheets of paper with repeating numbers. Agents carefully questioned Roland on the night of the murder. He replied that he saw nothing unusual. It also randomly opens up your math skills fast counting stars on the blouse Scully, but his handwriting does not match with the samples from the lab. The discussion ends when Roland experiences a terrible vision, while his nurse asks the agents to leave. Later that night Roland sees another vision, in which someone kills Dr. Keats.

In the laboratory of Keats is working late. He does not notice, as Roland enters the room. The scientist hits a coffee Cup, causing the doctor loses consciousness, and immerses his head in liquid nitrogen. The frozen body of Keats is shattered, and Roland begins to type on the computer. The next day, the agents start to investigate a new murder and a notice that the computer was used within five hours after the death of Keats. Trying to open a file that someone worked, Mulder realizes that Roland wrote on paper the day before is the password from the computer. The file turns out to be the work of Arthur Grable, a scientist, who died a few months earlier. It turns out that the work on the document continues after the accident.

Studying the death of Grable, the agents find out that he had hired Roland. They think that Grable faked his death and is now killing his former colleagues, using Roland as cover. Body Grable was not taken to the morgue and was not buried, but Dr. Ellett leads agents in the laboratory where a VAT of liquid nitrogen stored frozen remains of Grable. Mulder finds a photo of Grable, and it becomes clear that he looks very similar to Roland. This leads agents to opening: Arthur Grable and Roland are twins. When Mulder and Scully are talking again with Roland, Mulder begins to make sure that the cleaner is under the mind control of Grable.

Meanwhile Nollett stealthily penetrates into the cryogenic lab and spoils the urn containing the remains of Arthur's enemy. He returned to the Institute, and proceeds to launch a prototype of the engine, when there is Roland. Nollett confesses that he has stolen the work of Grable and almost ready to shoot Roland, intending to play the self-defense. But he hits his computer keyboard, depriving of consciousness, and places in a wind tunnel. The agents arrive just in time to convince Roland not to kill Nollette. Roland picked up from the shelter and placed in a psychiatric Institute for tests – apparently, now he is free from the control of the brother.

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Due to the special connection between the separated at birth twins brain Arthur Grable controls the behavior of his brother, Roland, is suffering from autistic disorder and living in a shelter. In moments of impact Roland's visions instructing him to perform certain actions. At such moments, his demeanor changed, movements are sure and precise, even handwriting changes. Though with great difficulty, Roland can resist the influence of his brother in those cases when he provokes his extremely inappropriate behavior.

The purpose of Arthur is not only the completion of the work to which he devoted all his life, but vengeance former colleagues, assigning the glory. The body of Arthur is long dead, but his head frozen in a VAT of liquid nitrogen. Staff kriotsentr notice that the temperature in the tank with the head of the Grable sometimes rises by 1 degree for no apparent technical reasons. According to agent Mulder, that is low temperature and enhances telepathic abilities Arthur.

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