Fern Flower
Published on January 15, 2020

Darkness Falls

TV Show Episode1994
Land creatures
The Movie DataBase
Darkness Falls
April 15, 1994
When a group of loggers in the Washington State National Forest disappear in the same way that another group disappeared 50 years ago, Mulder and Scully go along to investigate and find themselves trapped in a cabin surrounded by flesh eating insects that only attack at night.


"And darkness fell" (orig. "Darkness Falls") is the twentieth episode of the first season of the American television series the x-files, which belongs to the category of "monster of the week" and is not associated with the main mythology of the series. In 1995, the story series was adapted into a novel by writer Forest Martin.

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In the national Olympic forest in Washington state runs a group of loggers trying to escape from some danger. Ultimately they die from a swarm of small glowing green insects.

Later in the headquarters of FBI Fox Mulder Dana Scully shows pictures of the missing loggers and says that another group disappeared in a similar manner, in the same forest in 1934. The agents go into the woods, where they meet inspector the Federal forest service, Larry Moore, and the head of security lesodobyvayuschee of the company is Steve Humphries. During a trip through the woods to their car zaparivatsya on the spikes left on the ground by ecoterrorists, and the rest of the way they walk. Upon arrival at the base of the loggers they find transport and communication equipment destroyed. Looking around the forest, they find a corpse in a large cocoon hanging on a tree.

During the repair of the generator Humphreys holds one of the environmental terrorists, Doug " Spinny." He talks about the deadly swarm of insects, and warns that they must avoid darkness to stay alive. The next morning they discover cut down old trees with unexplained streaks of green in the annual rings. Mulder suspects that the trees for centuries lay dormant, some organisms, but their peace was broken when the tree was cut down. Humphries doesn't believe it and goes to the SUV Moore to leave, but dies from a swarm of insects after dark. Remaining in the camp in the night support the lighting in the room, as Scully confirmed that green annual ring are insects who can not tolerate light. The next morning, Spinni convinces Mulder to give him gasoline so he can go to his colleagues, to fill the jeep and return for rest. Scully and Moore are against it, because they have little fuel for the generator.

After waiting one more night in the light of the one bulb and left almost without fuel, the agents and the inspector decides to go to the Moore's SUV with a spare wheel, but find a dead body in there Humphries. Arrives spine of the jeep, claiming that all his friends died. Survivors are trying to get the jeep out of the forest, but run into one of the traps of environmental terrorists. Spine runs into the forest and dies and the insects get into the car through the ventilation system and attack people. They rolled up in cocoons body finds the rescue team, evacuating and quarantines. There one of the scientists tells Mulder that the decision to destroy the dangerous insects with pesticides and controlled fire.

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Land creatures

The plot of the episode revolves around an unknown insect (probably a prehistoric species of wood ticks). They emerge from the trunk of a huge and very old tree that was felled by loggers. Insects move, a swarm of small phosphorescent green light points. In the light they are not active and are deposited on surfaces in the form of an oily layer. In the dark they aktiviziruyutsya and attack people, Shrouding their bodies in a web of cocoon and absorbing in the tissues of the victim fluid.

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