Fern Flower
Published on January 8, 2020


TV Show Episode1994
The Movie DataBase
April 1, 1994
Mulder and Scully travel to a Native American reservation to investigate the death of a man who was mistaken for a wild animal and may have been the legendary Manitou, a man who can shape-shift into a beast.


The "essence" (orig. "Shapes") – the nineteenth episode of the first season of the TV series "Secret materials", which is not connected to the main "mythology".

Despite the fact that the episode is a "monster of the week", it follows a common story line in chronological order. It was the first series, which was themed American Indians and their national folklore, which later was included in the "mythology" of the series.

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FBI agents Dana Scully and Fox Mulder travel to Trego Indian reservation, in Montana, to investigate the murder of an American Indian by Joseph Gudesake, who was shot ranch owner Jim Parker. Initially it seems that the motive for the murder was a dispute over rights to a plot of land, although Parker claimed that he shot at the monstrous animal than human. Parker's son, Lyle, shows fresh scars which confirm the story of his father.

At the scene of the shooting, Scully notices that with such a close distance, which was shot Hodensack, it was impossible to confuse with the beast. However, Mulder discovers the traces which are moving in the tracks of an unknown animal. Scully rejects the testimony of Parker, but Mulder shows her was found next to a large piece of human skin.

Upon arriving to the reservation, Mulder and Scully encounter a hostile and contemptuous attitude of the Indians. One of the elders, ish, explains that the events during the incident at wounded knee in 1973 in which he participated. To the question why was he killed Joe Hodensack ish confidently replied that Parker was killed that the FBI is looking for. This statement causes anger Gudesake sister, Gwen, who believes that Parker killed her brother because of the land, and is indignant that her neighbors are too scared of the local legends to share her point of view. Sheriff Charles Tscan allows Scully to conduct a surface inspection of the body Gudesake, but forbids to do an autopsy, despite the fact that Mulder discovers the dead long fangs.

Body Gudesake put into the fire at the traditional ceremony, where agents are observing. Mulder shares with Scully his suspicions that the case involves the first official "x-files" – a series of brutal murders, according to Mulder committed by werewolves. Scully rejects this theory and instead suggests that clinical lycanthropy. Night senior Parker is torn apart by an unknown animal. The next morning, naked Laila find unconscious in the nearby woods, and Scully takes him to the hospital.

Ish tells Mulder the legend of the Manitou – the creature that can possess a human and transform it, moving to a new host after the death of the old. Ish I'm sure I saw a creation in his youth, but was too scared to destroy it. He also says that the Manitou possesses approximately every eight years, which corresponds to the dates of previous murders. Gwen, who saw the night of the murder Parker, Sr., terrified, tries to run away, stole a car Isha, but Tscany stops her.

The doctor calls Mulder, telling that, according to the results of the analyses in the stomach of Layla Parker had traces of his blood father, which could get there only by being ingested. Scully had been taken away written out of the Parker home, and Mulder Tscany hurry to the ranch. Meanwhile, Parker is transformed into Manitou and tries to kill Scully, but the arrival of Mulder and Tscany causes him to hide. Searching the house, Mulder finds Scully unharmed, but then them trying to attack Manitou, which kills Tscany. In the light agents can see on the floor naked dead Lila Parker without visible changes of the body.

Leaving the reservation, the agents learn that Gwen has left in an unknown direction, and ish bitterly joked, predicting a new meeting with Mulder and Scully in about eight years.

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Werewolves in the episode are a representative of an Indian tribe, as well as the man he wounded. Unlike traditional werewolves, they change appearance during the full moon, and every night. The being that become unhappy, has bestial rage and huge force, completely covered with hair, has long fangs and sharp claws. Despite the animal paws, move shifters on the back as people.

Indians associate werewolves with Manitou spirit of the forest, attacking people and causing them to transform into animals. The one who hurts Manitou, he becomes manitu (what happens with the previous bearer of the spirit, unknown). The lycanthropy can also be passed down from parents to children. For some reason, the period of activity of Manitou is 8 years.

The process of conversion from human to animal is very painful and is accompanied by the shedding of human skin, from under which appears the animal wool. Killing Manitou does not require any special tools (silver bullets, etc.) for that regular firearms.

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