Fern Flower
Published on December 25, 2019


TV Show Episode1994
The Movie DataBase
February 18, 1994
Mulder and Scully receive information from Deep Throat about a UFO that was shot down over Iraq and has been secretly transported to the US. However, Deep Throat then intentionally misleads the agents to prevent them from discovering the truth.


"V. B. O. (Extraterrestrial biological organism)" (orig. "E. B. E." or "Extraterrestrial Biological Entity") is the seventeenth episode of the first season of the series "Secret materials" relating to his "mythology".

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The Iraqi fighter shoots down UFO near the Iraq-Turkish border. Later in Rahane (Tennessee, USA) truck driver by the name of Rnam shoots at something in the dark, when he flies a UFO. Agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully investigating phenomena the next day, but Ranama quickly let the local authorities who are unwilling to cooperate with the FBI. At the bus station strange woman briefly borrows Scully's pen. The agents have to return to Washington.

There, Mulder is Scully's "Lone gunmen", which describes how a group opposed to the government guys. After returning to the headquarters of the FBI Scully finds in the pen tracking device. After a meeting with Deep Throat in Mulder displays documents on the Iraqi intercepted the coded message about the downed UFO. Scully continues to investigate and find out that the truck Renamo was added to 2 thousand pounds of extra weight, and his real name is Frank Drews.

The truck is moving to Colorado. Mulder meets with Deep Throat in his apartment and gets him photos of a UFO at Fort Benning (GA). Mulder is sure that the truck is a decoy, but further analysis shows that the informant handed the photo is a fake and Deep Throat lied. Mulder swears with an informant, who confesses a lie, justifying it with the fact that "some truths are too early to disclose". Mulder and Scully are hiding from their pursuers and head to intercept the truck.

Agents find the truck, but during the persecution faced with the strange climatic phenomena and loss of consciousness. The truck stalls, and Drews disappears as extraterrestrial biological organism (V. B. O.), who was allegedly inside the trailer. With reports of UFO sightings received from MUFON and NICAP, Mulder tracks the movement of V. B. O. to power in Washington.

With the help of the "Lone gunmen" Mulder and Scully get fake IDs and penetrate into the plant. Their suspicious behavior drew the attention of the guard, but Mulder enters the forbidden zone and is already close to the place of the alleged placing of a stranger, when security stops him. Deep Throat appears and dismisses the guards, telling Mulder that B. O. B. is dead. He talks about the international agreement signed after Roswell several countries, which States that any fell into the hands of the state and survivor of the V. B. A. must be destroyed. And he's one of three people who happened to bring this agreement into effect. After that, the informant allows Mulder and Scully to leave.

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In the series show a few UFOs. The first occurs in the skies over Iraq, where he is shot down by the pilot of the fighter local forces. The shape and size of this object is unclear, on the screen it looks like a oblong light spot. Probably such objects were few, because on the radar screen appeared at least four goals.

The second UFO pursues a truck carrying the wreck of an alien in the United States. This large disc-shaped object, which I can not see any light source. During his appearance in the truck off-Board electricity (the flashlight driver continues to work).

Also we are told of sightings of other UFOs in the path of the truck. Eyewitnesses describe them as moving with high speed cigar-shaped objects with red and green lights.

In addition, in the story series there is a photo of a UFO, which turns out to be a fake created for the purpose of sending the agents on a false trail.

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Chronorally observed in the place of the alleged contact of the driver of the truck from the UFO. Agent Mulder discovers the anomaly by comparing the readings of the two stopwatches, one of which was directly in the contact zone and the second at some distance from it.

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